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发表于 2020-12-15 19:19:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 邓文龙 于 2020-12-15 21:23 编辑


尊敬的      政府领导人:

具体做到以下要点:宣传好简明但精确防治原理、全世界各国戴口罩、勤洗手、勤消毒、人距离、避3密:避密闭避密集避密接、减人流动、检测和隔离、医院治、吃高蛋白、含碘植、保暖提温、注射新冠病毒疫苗 等等。努力减少病人、减少死亡、减少经济损失、力争全球人人或绝大部分人都能打到新冠病毒疫苗、并彻底地、或尽可能地消毒、杀死新冠病毒、尽量缩短本次全球新冠大流行的时间、力争能早日结束本次全世界新冠病毒肺炎大流行!

        (FAX: 03-3833-9873)

(Google English translation: )

Isolate the source of infectious diseases, cut off the route of transmission, and protect the weak

Dear leaders of the                    government:

    Recommendation: The United Nations, WHO, from among the top 10 countries that have been very successful and relatively successful in the prevention and treatment of new crown virus pneumonia, select 5-7 countries, such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, New Zealand and other countries to form a consulting expert advisory group Groups, or academic advisory committees, increase epidemic prevention and control personnel, supplement and improve the shortage of top-level medical scientific research personnel, quickly organize meetings and jointly make resolutions or agreements, coordinate, or counsel, or guide, or direct the new crown of countries around the world Virus pneumonia epidemic prevention work should be done scientifically, conscientiously, and implemented:
Three principles of prevention and treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia: 1. Isolate the source of infectious diseases, 2. cut off the route of transmission, and 3. protect the vulnerable.
The specific points are as follows: Promote concise but precise prevention principles, wear masks in countries all over the world, wash hands frequently, disinfect frequently, distance between people, and avoid 3 secrets: avoid confinement, avoid dense, close connections, reduce human flow, detection and isolation, and hospital treatment 、Eat high protein, iodine-containing plants, keep warm, and inject new coronavirus vaccines. Efforts to reduce patients, reduce deaths, reduce economic losses, and strive for everyone or most people in the world to get the new crown virus vaccine, and thoroughly or as much as possible disinfection, kill the new crown virus, and minimize this global new crown virus. The time of the epidemic, and strive to end the world's new crown virus pneumonia pandemic as soon as possible!

     2020-12-15 Written in Tokyo, Japan
             (FAX: 03-3833-9873)

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