研究者Coryse St. Hillaire-Clarke博士表示,几十年来,科学家们并没有太多关注性别对生物医学很多研究领域所带来的影响,而本文研究就可以帮助我们理解性别到底如何影响大脑的神经连接性。在雄性或雌性的线虫(漂亮新小杆线虫或秀丽隐杆线虫)机体中往往存在少量的不同性别所特殊的神经元,而其余的神经元在两性线虫大脑中均存在,尽管雄性和雌性线虫大脑中的神经元连接模式并不相同,而如今研究人员就通过研究揭示了其大脑中神经元布线图形成的分子机制。
自然| 文章
Meital奥伦-苏伊萨, 艾米莉拜耳A. 与奥利弗·霍伯特
性质 533 , 206-211 (2016年12月) DOI:10.1038 / nature17977
收到 2015年08月07日 公认 2016年4月6日 网上公布 2016年05月04日
摘要• 参考• 作者信息• 扩展数据图和表• 补充信息
Sex-specific pruning of neuronal synapses in Caenorhabditis elegans
Meital Oren-Suissa, Emily A. Bayer & Oliver Hobert
AffiliationsContributionsCorresponding authors
Nature 533, 206–211 (12 May 2016) doi:10.1038/nature17977
Received 07 August 2015 Accepted 06 April 2016 Published online 04 May 2016
Abstract• References• Author information• Extended data figures and tables• Supplementary information
Whether and how neurons that are present in both sexes of the same species can differentiate in a sexually dimorphic manner is not well understood. A comparison of the connectomes of the Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodite and male nervous systems reveals the existence of sexually dimorphic synaptic connections between neurons present in both sexes. Here we demonstrate sex-specific functions of these sex-shared neurons and show that many neurons initially form synapses in a hybrid manner in both the male and hermaphrodite pattern before sexual maturation. Sex-specific synapse pruning then results in the sex-specific maintenance of subsets of these connections. Reversal of the sexual identity of either the pre- or postsynaptic neuron alone transforms the patterns of synaptic connectivity to that of the opposite sex. A dimorphically expressed and phylogenetically conserved transcription factor is both necessary and sufficient to determine sex-specific connectivity patterns. Our studies reveal new insights into sex-specific circuit development. http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature17977.html