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自闭症免疫学 Autism Immunology

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自闭症免疫学 Autism Immunology

自闭症免疫学 : 自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)是一种复杂的神经发育障碍,研究表明免疫系统在其发病机制中可能扮演重要角色。免疫系统的异常可能影响神经发育,进而导致ASD的发生。
• 细胞免疫异常: ASD患者可能存在免疫细胞功能的异常,如T细胞、B细胞和自然杀伤细胞(NK细胞)功能的改变。这些异常可能影响中枢神经系统的发育和功能。
• 体液免疫异常: 研究发现,部分ASD患者体内存在针对自身神经组织的自身抗体,这可能导致神经系统的损伤和功能异常。
• 细胞因子水平变化: ASD患者的外周血和脑脊液中,某些促炎性细胞因子(如IL-6、TNF-α)水平升高,提示炎症反应在ASD中可能发挥作用。
( Software translation )  Autism Immunology: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder, and studies suggest that the immune system may play an important role in its pathogenesis. Abnormalities of the immune system may affect neurogenesis and lead to the development of ASD.
Association of immune system abnormalities with ASD:
· Cellular immune abnormalities: Patients with ASD may have abnormalities in disease-free cell function, such as alterations in T cell, B cell, and natural killer cell (NK cell) function.These abnormalities may affect the development and functioning of the central nervous system.
· Humoral immune abnormalities: Studies have found that some people with ASD have autoantibodies that target their own nerve tissue, which can lead to damage and dysfunction of the nervous system.
· Changes in cytokine levels: Elevated levels of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as IL-6, TNF-α) in peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid in patients with ASD suggest that the inflammatory response may play a role in ASD.
Maternal immune activation (MIA) and ASD:
Maternal infection during pregnancy may trigger immune activation and increase the risk of ASD in offspring. Animal studies have shown that maternal immune activation can lead to ASD-like behavior and immune abnormalities in offspring.
Potential therapeutic strategies for immunointervention:
In view of the possible role of the immune system in ASD, immune intervention is considered as one of the potential therapeutic strategies. For example, regulatory T cell (Treg) therapy has shown the potential to improve ASD-related symptoms in a dynamic-object model.
It should be noted that the etiology of ASD is complex, involving genetic, environmental, immune and other factors. Immune system abnormalities may be a factor, but not the only one. Further studies are needed to explore the specific role of the immune system in ASD and the corresponding therapeutic strategies.

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