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发表于 2021-6-27 15:07:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 邓文龙 于 2021-6-27 15:48 编辑


观看了:97歲的芒格分享“幸福長壽”的祕訣:不嫉妒不怨恨、不過度消費、跟信賴的人在一起  这个标题的视频。美国的芒格先生和他的合伙者巴菲特先生都是杰出的投资家、年龄都已九十几岁了、我们衷心祝愿我们崇拜的这两位老先生健康长寿。不嫉妒不怨恨,的确是长寿的要素之一,其自我控制、自我抑制、自我心理平衡功能强,白天不易焦虑不安、心神不定、忧郁寡欢、血压不易波动大、升高多、而不易患高血压、心跳呼吸内分泌机能等平稳。晚上一般睡得长、睡得深。记忆力、注意力、思维能力等较强、做投资成功率较高些、易成为有钱人、富翁。脑中伽马氨基丁酸抑制神经回路发达、功能好。心理较为平衡。智力衰退慢、不易得老年痴呆(典型者为阿尔兹海默症)等神经退化性疾病。寿命长。

(视频: 97歲的芒格分享“幸福長壽”的祕訣:不嫉妒不怨恨、不過度消費、跟信賴的人在一起:
https://news.futunn.com/hk/video ... et=1623283200959439
HANTAO GU 写于2021-6-14 Tokyo (本贴如有对芒格先生等有不敬或不妥、请通知我们、我们可移除或编辑、修正本贴)

(Google English translation: )
American 97-year-old Munger shares the secret of "happy and longevity"
Watched: The 97-year-old Munger shares the secret of "happiness and longevity": no jealousy, no resentment, no excessive consumption, and a video with the title of being with trusted people. Mr. Munger of the United States and his partner Mr. Buffett are both outstanding investors, both in their nineties, and we sincerely wish the two old gentlemen we admire health and longevity. No jealousy or resentment is indeed one of the elements of longevity. It has strong functions of self-control, self-inhibition, and self-psychological balance. It is not easy to be anxious, uneasy, unhappy during the day, and blood pressure is not easy to fluctuate, increase, and not easy to suffer. Blood pressure, heartbeat, respiratory and endocrine functions are stable. Usually sleep long and deep at night. Strong memory, concentration, and thinking skills, higher success rate in investing, and easy to become rich and rich. Gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain inhibits the development of neural circuits and functions well. Psychologically more balanced. The mental decline is slow, and it is not easy to get neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (typically Alzheimer's disease). long life.
We predict that if Mr. Munger, with our counseling, pay due attention to increasing health care, etc., a healthy life span (the life span that can do light brain and light physical work, and basic life self-care is called healthy life span) will be about 107 years old or above, and further If guided by us, working hard, and prolonging life, curing chronic diseases, etc., the healthy life expectancy can be about 125 years of age or more.

(Video: 97-year-old Munger shares the secret of "happiness and longevity" : no jealousy, no resentment, no excessive consumption, and being with trusted people:
https://news.futunn.com/hk/video ... et=1623283200959439 )
Written by HANTAO GU on June 14, 2021 Tokyo (If this post is disrespectful or inappropriate to Mr. Munger, please notify us, we can remove or edit or correct this post )

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