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来源:生物谷 2013-12-09 22:42
2013年12月9日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,刊登在国际杂志Structure上的封面论文中,来自加州大学欧文分校等处的研究者通过研究揭示了白内障形成的分子机制,从而为开发抑制该眼部疾病的疗法提供了一定的希望。
文章中,研究者Rachel Martin表示,白内障影响着全世界将近2000万人的健康,治疗该疾病是我们的一大梦想,也是一大困难;理解其发病的分子机制对于我们开发新型的疗法以及干预措施非常重要。
https://www.cell.com/structure/f ... 87%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
Preferential and Specific Binding of Human αB-Crystallin to a Cataract-Related Variant of S-Crystallin
Carolyn N. Kingsley, William D. Brubaker, Stefan Markovic, Anne Diehl, Amanda J. Brindley, Hartmut Oschkinat, Rachel W. Martin
Transparency in the eye lens is maintained via specific, functional interactions among the structural β- and chaperone α-crystallins. Here, we report the structure and α-crystallin binding interface of the G18V variant of human S-crystallin (S-G18V), which is linked to hereditary childhood-onset cortical cataract. Comparison of the solution nuclear magnetic resonance structures of wild-type and G18V S-crystallin, both presented here, reveal that the increased aggregation propensity of S-G18V results from neither global misfolding nor the solvent exposure of a hydrophobic residue but instead involves backbone rearrangement within the N-terminal domain. αB-crystallin binds more strongly to the variant, via a well-defined interaction surface observed via chemical shift differences. In the context of the αB-crystallin structure and the finding that it forms heterogeneous multimers, our structural studies suggest a potential mechanism for cataract formation via the depletion of the finite αB-crystallin population of the lens.
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