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自闭症 寄生虫学 Autism parasitology

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自闭症 寄生虫学

自闭症 寄生虫学: 自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)是一种复杂的神经发育障碍,近年来的研究开始关注寄生虫感染与ASD之间的潜在关联。虽然直接证据仍然有限,但以下是目前研究中的一些发现:
• 弓形虫感染: 研究表明,孕期感染弓形虫可能增加子代患ASD的风险。在一项研究中,科学家通过构建母体免疫激活(MIA)动物模型,发现母体感染弓形虫可溶性抗原(STAg)会导致子代出现免疫异常和自闭症样行为。  
• 苏拉明药物: 苏拉明是一种百年历史的抗寄生虫药物,最初用于治疗非洲锥虫病。研究发现,苏拉明通过阻断嘌呤信号通路,可能改善ASD症状。在一项小规模试验中,研究人员对10名5至14岁的ASD男童进行了双盲、安慰剂对照试验。结果显示,接受苏拉明治疗的儿童在一周内症状有所改善,其中一些非语言儿童开始说话。  
• 调节性T细胞(Treg)治疗: 研究者采用弓形虫抗原诱导的MIA小鼠模型,观察到子代存在免疫异常和自闭症样行为。通过过继性Treg细胞治疗,部分免疫和行为异常得到逆转。这提示免疫调节可能是治疗ASD的潜在策略。  
(  Software translation  )   Autism parasitology: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder. Recent studies have focused on the potential association between parasite infection and ASD. While direct evidence is still limited, here are some of the findings from the current study:
Maternal Infection and ASD Risk:
· Toxoplasma gondii infection: Studies suggest that infection with Toxoplasma during pregnancy may increase the risk of ASD in offspring.In one study, scientists built a maternal immune activation (MIA) animal model and found that maternal infection with toxoplasmic soluble antigen (STAg) causes immune abnormalities and autism-like behavior in offspring.  
Potential therapeutic effects of parasitic infections:
· Salimine drugs: Salimine is a century-old antiparasitic drug that was originally used to treat African coneworm disease.The study found that suramine may improve ASD symptoms by blocking purine signaling pathways. In a small trial, researchers conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on 10 boys with ASD aged 5 to 14 years. Results showed that children treated with sumamin had improved symptoms within a week, and some of the non-verbal children began to speak.  
Free Regulation and ASD:
· Regulatory T cell (Treg) therapy: The researchers used a mouse model of MIA induced by Toxoplasma gondii antigen to observe immune abnormalities and autism-like behavior in offspring.Some immune and behavioral abnormalities were reversed by adoptive Treg cell therapy. This suggests that free regulation may be a potential strategy for the treatment of ASD.  
It should be noted that although these studies provide prima facie evidence of an association between parasitic infections and ASD, there is insufficient data to support the use of parasitic infections as a routine treatment for ASD. More clinical studies are needed in the future to validate these findings and ensure the safety and effectiveness of related therapies.

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