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发表于 2009-11-8 13:00:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

来源:Science  日期: 2009-11-07  

我们的身体是无数微生物的居所。据09-11月5日的《科学》杂志报道说,最近对人的整个身体所进行的多元微生物群落的分析结果将最终揭示这些群落的变化将如何引起(或防止)疾病的发生。  Elizabeth  Costello及其同僚对多达27个身体部位的微生物进行了调查,其中包括肠道、口腔、耳朵、鼻子以及多达18个区域的皮肤表面。这些调查的部位是在4个不同的场合取自一些健康的成人。  他们的基于先前发表在《科学》杂志上的发现揭示,身体的部位对居留在那里的微生物群落的组成具有最大的影响,其影响远远大于时间的推移或个体之间的差异。  这些研究人员还发现,某些皮肤部位,如食指或膝盖的背侧常常比肠道或口腔能容留更为多元的微生物。  他们的数据所强调的事实是,我们身体的个体化的微生物随着时间的推移仍然保持着相对的稳定,而且它们展现了在我们身体各个位置生长的可预测的模式。  在接下来的实验中,研究人员将身体某一部位的微生物群落移植到身体的另外一个部位,或从某人身上移植到另外一个人身上。他们发现,环境因素在油脂分泌多的皮肤部位比在皮肤干燥的部位对塑造微生物群落的影响力要更强。  例如,前臂的微生物在前额上的生长就不甚好,但前额的微生物在前臂上的生长则依然很好。

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-8 13:17:00 | 只看该作者

最新《Nature》封面文章 解密生命智慧

最新《Nature》封面文章 解密生命智慧


生物通报道,最新一期《Nature》杂志的封面文章刊发了一篇有趣的文章,讲述了一个关于细菌智慧的研究论文Experimental evolution of bet hedging。

参与研究的有来自新西兰Massey大学,荷兰Leiden大学的研究者,通讯作者是来自新西兰Massey大学的Paul B.Rainey。
“2009 BioProcess Tour-抗体专题”聚焦国内外最新技术进展,最新应用,质控及法规验证最新进展的平台,诚邀您的参与!

在自然界中,最容易被看出有随机应变智慧的生物大概就是变色龙了,它们总是随着环境的变化来改变自身的体色以便躲避灾害。其实,这种表现型的随机切换(被称为,bet hedging)存在于自然界的每一种生物,这是一种生物在变幻无常的环境中求生存的常见现象。


研究者最后得到了一些揭示菌群bet hedging的数据,识别了这个过程中所涉及的突变机制,反映了动态环境对bet hedging形成的促进机制。


早在去年5月Science也曾发表文章解析细菌的生存智慧,Anticipatory Behavior Within Microbial Genetic Networks,Science,DOI: 10.1126/science.1154456,Ilias Tagkopoulos,Saeed Tavazoie。



Nature 462, 90-93 (5 November 2009) | doi:10.1038/nature08504; Received 7 July 2009; Accepted 15 September 2009

Experimental evolution of bet hedging

Hubertus J. E. Beaumont1,2,3, Jenna Gallie1, Christian Kost1,3, Gayle C. Ferguson1 & Paul B. Rainey1

New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study and Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology & Evolution, Massey University, Private Bag 102904, North Shore Mail Centre, North Shore City 0745, Auckland, New Zealand

Institute of Biology Leiden, Leiden University, PO Box 9505, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands

Present addresses: Institute of Biology Leiden, Leiden University, PO Box 9505, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands (H.J.E.B.); Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, 07745 Jena, Germany (C.K.).

Correspondence to: Hubertus J. E. Beaumont1,2,3 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to H.J.E.B. (Email: h.j.e.beaumont@biology.leidenuniv.nl).


Bet hedging—stochastic switching between phenotypic states1, 2, 3—is a canonical example of an evolutionary adaptation that facilitates persistence in the face of fluctuating environmental conditions. Although bet hedging is found in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, direct evidence for an adaptive origin of this behaviour is lacking11. Here we report the de novo evolution of bet hedging in experimental bacterial populations. Bacteria were subjected to an environment that continually favoured new phenotypic states. Initially, our regime drove the successive evolution of novel phenotypes by mutation and selection; however, in two (of 12) replicates this trend was broken by the evolution of bet-hedging genotypes that persisted because of rapid stochastic phenotype switching. Genome re-sequencing of one of these switching types revealed nine mutations that distinguished it from the ancestor. The final mutation was both necessary and sufficient for rapid phenotype switching; nonetheless, the evolution of bet hedging was contingent upon earlier mutations that altered the relative fitness effect of the final mutation. These findings capture the adaptive evolution of bet hedging in the simplest of organisms, and suggest that risk-spreading strategies may have been among the earliest evolutionary solutions to life in fluctuating environments.

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