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发表于 2021-1-12 14:47:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 邓文龙 于 2021-1-13 18:44 编辑


全世界新冠病毒肺炎疫情的解除:1.最快在今年夏季的2021年7月22日前后:第一位的条件:从今天21-1-12算起、半年内即六个月内、在2021-7-11前后为止全球生产、注射使用大约100亿剂新冠病毒疫苗。第二、继续做好、执行好、比现在做的更好一点的、新冠病毒肺炎预防治疗三大原则工作:1.隔离传染病源,2.切断传播途径,3.保护弱体人群(最主要为、注射使用好新冠病毒疫苗)。2.中等度快,并且也算是目前一般学术界、政治经济界的预测:到明年即2022年夏季的7月23日前后、全世界新冠病毒肺炎疫情解除。 3.不快,也就是慢、到后年即2023年夏季的7月23日前后、全球新冠病毒肺炎疫情解除。





(Google English translation: )

The world's new crown virus pneumonia is resolved, the fastest around 21-7-22 this summer

Hantao Gu

The elimination of the new crown virus pneumonia epidemic in the world: 1. As soon as this summer, around July 22, 2021: the first condition: starting from today 21-1-12, within six months, within six months, Around July 11, 2021, approximately 10 billion doses of new coronavirus vaccines have been produced and injected worldwide. Second, continue to do well, implement well, and do better than now, the three major principles of prevention and treatment of new crown virus pneumonia: 1. Isolate the source of infectious disease, 2. Cut off the route of transmission, 3. Protect the weak (mostly , Inject and use the new coronavirus vaccine). 2. Moderately fast, and it can be regarded as the current prediction of the general academic and political and economic circles: By next year, that is, around July 23 in the summer of 2022, the world's new crown virus pneumonia epidemic will be eliminated. 3. Unpleasant, that is, slow, the global new crown virus pneumonia epidemic will be lifted around July 23 in the summer of 2023 the next year.

The world's new crown virus pneumonia epidemic is prolonged and cannot be eliminated, and many people will get sick and die. In addition, the global economic loss is also huge. The estimated average monthly cost may be as high as 500 billion US dollars, and the annual loss may be as high as 6 trillion US dollars.

The opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics is scheduled for July 23, 2021, and the duration is from 21-7-23 to 8-8. However, the global new crown virus pneumonia epidemic in 2021 has made it very difficult to hold. According to legends on the Internet, the 2021 Summer Olympics will be cancelled.

In the past few days, we have rethought and calculated: After scientific efforts, the world can basically control and eliminate the new crown virus pneumonia epidemic around late July 2021. It can greatly reduce the deaths of people and economic losses, and make the 2021 Tokyo Olympics can be held as scheduled.

2021-1-12 Written in Tokyo

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