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催产素男性也来点?鼻喷雾剂可以减少热量摄入 降食欲增脂燃

发表于 2015-3-18 12:18:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
催产素男性也来点?鼻喷雾剂可以减少热量摄入  降食欲摄增脂燃减肥

来源:生物谷 2015-03-10 09:42

2015年3月10日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,在圣地亚哥举办的97届内分泌学会会议上,来自哈佛医学院的研究人员通过研究表示,一种由催产素组成的合成性鼻配方制剂或许可以减少健康男性个体热量的摄入,尤其是那些脂肪性食物的摄入,目前研究者已经在很多动物研究中证实了含催产素的鼻配方制剂可以有效降低食物的摄入。

不论男性个体处于正常体重或过重,这种催产素鼻喷雾剂都可以减少个体在随后早餐中热量的摄入,另外研究者还发现,催产素鼻喷雾剂可以改善机体的一些代谢指数,比如胰岛素敏感性,其可以帮助机体成功清除血液中的葡萄糖。研究者Elizabeth Lawson说道,我认为这种催产素鼻喷雾剂是一种治疗肥胖和代谢综合征的潜在疗法。

由诺华制造的催产素鼻喷雾剂目前已经在欧洲得到了批准,但在美国却没有被批准,催产素在美国是一种用于静脉内注射用于诱导分娩的激素;文章中,研究人员招募了25名健康的男性个体,参与者平均年龄为27岁,其中13名男性个体处于健康体重,另外12名个体过重或肥胖,这些男性被随机指定进行单一剂量(24 IU)催产素鼻喷雾剂或安慰剂进行自我给药。




Oxytocin nasal spray reportedly lowered the number of calories men consumed at a subsequent breakfast whether they were normal weight or overweight. In addition, the researchers found that oxytocin improved metabolic measures, such as insulin sensitivity, which is the body's ability to successfully clear glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream.

"Our results are really exciting," said lead investigator Elizabeth Lawson, MD, MMSc, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, Boston. "Further study is needed, but I think oxytocin is a promising treatment for obesity and its metabolic complications."

The oxytocin nasal spray (made by Novartis) is approved in Europe but not in the U.S. other than in clinical trials. Oxytocin is available in the U.S. as an intravenous or injectable drug (Pitocin) to induce labor.

Lawson and her colleagues enrolled 25 healthy men into the study, which received funding from the National Institutes of Health and a Massachusetts General Hospital Claflin Distinguished Scholar Award (to Lawson). The participants had an average age of 27. Thirteen of the men had a healthy weight, and the other 12 were overweight or obese. The men were randomly assigned to self-administer a single dose (24 International Units, or IU) of either oxytocin nasal spray or a placebo (dummy drug) after fasting. All were unaware which treatment they received.

One hour later, the men received breakfast, which they picked out from a menu. Each meal contained double portions. After the meal, the researchers measured how many calories each man ate.

In a separate visit, the men repeated the experiment but received the opposite treatment (placebo or oxytocin) from the first visit. According to the investigators, there was no difference in how much food the men reported eating in the three days before each experiment......

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