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发表于 2024-4-30 10:43:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 顾汉现 于 2024-4-30 10:44 编辑

Nature:A multidimensional coding architecture of the vagal interoceptive system
感知身体的内部状态是一个重要的生命保障过程,它可以维持生理平衡,提供动力驱动并塑造我们的思想和情绪。作为内部感受的关键体脑轴,结节和颈静脉神经节中的 迷走神经VSN 将来自呼吸系统、心血管系统、胃肠道、内分泌系统和免疫系统的内脏器官的大量信号传递到脑干。通过 迷走神经VSN 传达的信号在大脑中被精确区分,以产生高度特异性的反应。本文是肺、心、胃肠道、内分泌系统、免疫系统等内脏信号感知传递神经关联的基础医学研究论文。
(Baidu EnglishTranslation: )Nature: multidimensional coding architecture of vagal sensory system
Perceiving the internal state of the body is an important life support process. It can maintain physiological balance, provide power drive and shape our thoughts and emotions. As the key body axis of internal perception, the vagus nerve VSN in the nodule and jugular ganglion transmits a large number of signals from the internal organs of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system and immune system to the brain stem. The signals transmitted through the vagal VSN are accurately distinguished in the brain to produce a highly specific response. This paper is a basic medical research paper on the neural correlation of visceral signal perception and transmission, such as lung, heart, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system and immune system.
(バイドゥ日本語訳: )
https://www.linkresearcher.com/t ... lu4MTHyFHs_QsCuZ1lD


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