本帖最后由 顾汉现 于 2022-8-22 10:24 编辑
最近日本新冠大爆发,多日来每天新发病人高达25万左右,要继续做好新冠病毒肺炎预防治疗三大原则和许多防治细节、戴好口罩、避三密、勤洗手消毒:1.隔离传染病源,2.切断传播途径,3.保护弱体人群,等。 (Google Translate: )
Recently, there has been a major outbreak of the new crown in Japan. For many days, the number of new cases has reached about 250,000 every day. It is necessary to continue to do a good job in the three principles of new crown virus pneumonia prevention and treatment and many prevention and control details, wear masks, avoid three secrets, and wash hands frequently: 1. Isolation Sources of infectious diseases, 2. Cut off transmission routes, 3. Protect vulnerable populations, etc. (グーグル翻訳: )
最近、日本では新型コロナウイルスが大流行しており、連日の新規感染者数は約25万人に達しており、引き続き新型コロナウイルス肺炎の三原則をしっかりと守っていく必要があります。予防と治療、および多くの予防と制御の詳細、マスクの着用、3 つの秘密の回避、頻繁な手洗い: 1. 感染症の感染源を隔離する、2. 感染経路を遮断する、3. 脆弱な集団を保護する、など。
Hantao Gu
2021年8月22日 ·
分享对象: 公开
(2021.8.21初稿 ,21.8.22修改。 )
大约在35到37亿年前起,地球上开始生物进化。大约10亿到1亿年前起,有一些原核生物的细菌等、丢弃了它绝大部分内容物,仅保留了脱氧核糖核酸(DNA) 、或核糖核酸(RNA) ,外面包上蛋白质,形成了病毒,钻进了细菌内(叫作噬菌体)和从酵母菌开始到我们人类为止的真核细胞中(叫作DNA病毒或RNA病毒),过寄生生活,生长、繁殖、传宗接代、延绵病毒种族。大约在100多年前的1912年起世界各地逐步发现了7种冠状病毒、感染人类。2003年SARS冠状病毒自野生动物(可能蝙蝠和果子狸、或其他)跳入、传入人类、2012年MERS冠状病毒也自野生动物(可能是蝙蝠和骆驼、或其他)跳入、传入人类、引起急性呼吸道传染病。
(Google English translation: )
Brief talk about new coronavirus pneumonia
(2021.8.21 first draft, 21.8.22 revised. )
About 3.5 to 3.7 billion years ago, biological evolution began on Earth. From about 1 billion to 100 million years ago, some prokaryotic bacteria, etc., discarded most of its contents, leaving only deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA), and the protein on the outer bread formed The virus has penetrated into bacteria (called bacteriophages) and eukaryotic cells (called DNA viruses or RNA viruses) from the beginning of yeast to humans (called DNA viruses or RNA viruses), living a parasitic life, growing, reproducing, passing on, and extending the virus race . About 100 years ago, in 1912, seven types of coronaviruses were gradually discovered all over the world, infecting humans. In 2003, the SARS coronavirus jumped from wild animals (possibly bats and civet cats, or other) into and introduced into humans, and in 2012, the MERS coronavirus also jumped into and introduced into humans from wild animals (possibly bats and camels, or others ) . , Causes acute respiratory infections.
Approximately late autumn to winter in the cold or cold season of 2019 (approximately November 19 to January 20), the seventh new type of coronavirus (RNA virus) in this global pandemic, after a period of evolution, Evolve, mutate, mutate, begin to gradually and aggressively invade the human beings of more than 7 billion warm-blooded animals on the earth, through humans,
Respiratory duct epithelium with a surface that is significantly lower than 33 degrees Celsius (such as 30 degrees, or 27 degrees, or lower ) , the immune defense ability is almost paralyzed, such as invasion, infection, and then further through the lung, heart, liver, kidney, and brain The ACE2 receptors on the surface of all cells of the gastrointestinal, immune system, etc. enter the cells throughout the body, starting their parasitic growth and reproduction, and the extended journey of the virus race! The global pandemic of the new crown virus infectious disease!
Over the past year and a half, about 7 billion people in various countries around the world have implemented the three principles of prevention and treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia to better or worse: 1 . Isolate the source of the infectious disease, 2 . cut off the route of transmission, and 3 . protect the vulnerable. And many of the prevention details. (Good or bad differently, detailed, focused, and accurate implementation of the 3 principles)
Yesterday, August 21, 2021, Saturday, Japan had 25,488 new confirmed cases of new crown virus pneumonia, and 5,074 cases in Tokyo. One of the reasons is the spread of Delta, a highly infectious mutant strain. At present, according to the national conditions of Japan, we must further strengthen (rather than actually relax) the three major principles of prevention and treatment, various details, and key points: 1 . Eliminate the new crown virus (aerosol first, optional microchlorine, weak Chlorine, has been tested, has little effect, etc. At least the infected person and their close contacts such as family members, colleagues, medical and health personnel are recommended to use it. ) You can ask the hospital or pharmacy. 2 . Speed up the new crown vaccination, 3 . Increase the temperature of the respiratory tract to 34 degrees Celsius or above, and use weak and light air conditioners everywhere as much as possible.
There are many kinds of microchlorine and weak chlorine antiviral agents on the market. You can consult hospitals or pharmacies for selection and purchase. I am using the following 2 types for reference only:
( https://www.facebook.com/hantao. ... SSF5jNWwo6Hj8gvFM1l )
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