本帖最后由 邓文龙 于 2025-2-26 18:21 编辑
1. 大脑结构异常:
• 脑容量变化:部分研究发现,自闭症患者在幼儿时期可能出现大脑过度生长,导致脑容量增大。
• 特定脑区差异:功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)研究显示,自闭症患者在社交和情感处理相关的脑区,如杏仁核、前额叶皮层和颞上回,可能存在结构和功能异常。
2. 神经连接异常:
• 功能连接性:自闭症患者的大脑不同区域之间的功能连接可能异常,表现为某些区域之间的连接过强或过弱。这种连接性异常可能与患者的社交障碍和重复性行为有关。
• 镜像神经元系统:镜像神经元系统与理解他人行为和意图有关。研究表明,自闭症患者的镜像神经元系统可能功能异常,影响其社交认知能力。
3. 神经递质和分子水平:
• 神经递质失衡:研究发现,自闭症患者的大脑中某些神经递质(如5-羟色胺、γ-氨基丁酸等)水平可能异常,影响神经元之间的信号传递。
• 遗传因素:自闭症的遗传背景复杂,涉及多个基因的变异。部分基因的突变可能影响神经发育和突触功能,增加患自闭症的风险。
( Software translation ) Pathological anatomy of autism: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder. Research on its pathological dissection focuses on the following aspects:
1. Brain structural abnormalities:
· Brain volume changes: Some studies have found that people with autism may experience excessive brain growth in early childhood, resulting in an increase in brain volume.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have shown that individuals with autism may have structural and functional abnormalities in brain regions associated with social and emotional processing, such as the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, and the superior temporal gyrus.
2. Neurological connections are abnormal:
· Functional connectivity: Functional coordination between different regions of the brain in people with autism can be abnormal, manifesting as connections between certain regions are too strong or too weak.This connectivity disorder may be related to social communication disturbance and repetitive behavior.
· Mirror neuronal system: Mirror neuronal systems are related to understanding the behavior and intentions of others. Studies have shown that the mirror neuron system in people with autism may function abnormally, affecting their social and cognitive abilities.
3. Neurotransmitter and molecular level:
· Neurotransmitter imbalance: Studies have found that levels of certain neurotransmitters (such as serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, etc.) in the brains of autistic people may be abnormal, affecting signal transmission between neurons.
· Genetic factors: The genetic background of autism is complex, involving variations in multiple genes.Mutations in some genes may affect neurodevelopment and synaptic function, increasing the risk of developing autism.
It is important to note that the anatomical characteristics of autism vary from individual to individual, and research is still getting deeper. Multidisciplinary and comprehensive research contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the pathological mechanisms of autism and provides a scientific basis for clinical intervention.

( Software translation ) Pathophysiology of Autism: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex group of neurodevelopmental disorders, and its pathophysiological mechanisms involve multiple factors, including genetics, neurobiology, and environmental factors. Studies have shown that the brain of ASD patients is abnormal in structure and function, especially in terms of neural connections and synaptic pruning. For example, there may be an excess of synapses in the cerebral cortex of ASD patients, which may be due to the slowing of the synaptic pruning process during development.
In addition, the cerebellum plays an important role in the pathophysiology of ASD. Studies have found that the cerebellum of ASD patients may have problems such as oxidative stress, metabolic abnormalities, and gene mutations related to cerebellum development.
Genetic factors play a key role in the occurrence of ASD. More than 100 ASD susceptibility genes have been reported, and the proteins encoded by these genes are involved in neural cell adhesion molecules, ion channel proteins, scaffold proteins, etc. Mutations and abnormal expression regulation of these genes may lead to the occurrence of ASD.
Environmental factors may also affect the occurrence of ASD. For example, oxidative stress is believed to play an important role in the pathophysiological mechanism of ASD. Patients with ASD may have insufficient antioxidant capacity, leading to increased reactive oxygen species, causing oxidative damage and inflammation in cells.
In general, the pathophysiological mechanism of ASD is the result of the interaction of multiple factors, including genetic susceptibility, neurodevelopmental abnormalities, and environmental factors. In-depth study of these mechanisms will help develop more effective diagnostic and therapeutic methods.