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发表于 2023-2-21 20:31:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 顾汉现 于 2023-2-21 21:03 编辑


中国大企业家郑永刚先生、65岁、于2023-2-10在东京不幸逝世,病因、机理等大致上为:1.郑先生约1960年前后幼年时期、中国三年自然灾害等、营养不足点、致主动脉等处结缔组织较弱稍较不坚固,2.估计约近10年(约55-65岁)来血压血脂偏高等、可能已有轻或轻微的主动脉等处动脉粥样硬化、薄弱,3.2022年12月中、郑先生在东京不幸新冠病毒感染、致主动脉在内身体各处炎症等、致主动脉更加脆弱、因年龄较大点、免疫力低点、身体内可能并未彻底清除完新冠病毒仍有少量残留、后遗一点炎症。在下午2点多、约在一日血压最高时间段、导致主动脉内膜破损、血液进入中膜中、主动脉夹层出血、最后冲破外膜、更大范围出血。最后虽约10小时外科手术等未能挽救其宝贵的生命! 故、世人要:坚固结缔组织(胶原)、预防治疗动脉粥样硬化、防治新冠病毒感染和后遗症、等等、3点等(几个方面)重要!依靠先进医学和研究。生命珍贵!23-2-21下午 医学研究者 顧(简单初稿)
(Baidu Translator: )
Chinese entrepreneur Mr. Zheng Yonggang died of aortic dissection rupture and bleeding
Chinese entrepreneur Mr. Zheng Yonggang, 65 years old, died in Tokyo on March 10, 2023. The cause and mechanism of the death are roughly as follows: 1. Mr. Zheng's childhood around 1960, three years of natural disasters in China, weak and weak connective tissue at the point of malnutrition, aorta and other places, 2. It is estimated that in the past 10 years (about 55-65 years old), blood pressure and blood lipids are relatively high, and there may have been mild or mild atherosclerosis and weakness at the aorta and other places, 3. In the middle of December, 2022, Mr. Zheng was unlucky in Tokyo to be infected with COVID-19, which caused inflammation all over the body, including the aorta, and made the aorta more vulnerable. Due to the older age and low immunity, there may still be a small amount of residual COVID-19 in the body, leaving a little inflammation. At more than 2 p.m., about the time of the highest blood pressure of the day, the intima of the aorta was damaged, blood entered the middle of the media, aortic dissection was bleeding, and finally burst the adventitia, causing a wider range of bleeding. In the end, although about 10 hours of surgery failed to save his precious life! Therefore, the world should: strengthen connective tissue (collagen), prevent and treat atherosclerosis, prevent and treat COVID-19 infection and sequelae, etc! Rely on advanced medicine and research. Life is precious! 23-2-21 Afternoon medical researcher Gu (simple draft)
(百度翻訳: )


http://www.gigh.cn/kinduploadfil ... 213110828_36237.pdf


http://www.fuaaj.org/bbs/viewthr ... &extra=page%3D2

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