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自然:灵长类大脑抑制性神经元发育进化 祖纹肽递嗅白纹多巴

发表于 2022-3-28 17:35:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 邓文龙 于 2022-4-11 21:18 编辑

灵长类大脑抑制性神经元的发育与进化机理 祖纹肽递嗅白纹多巴

灵长类大脑抑制性神经元的发育与进化 多样性  基因表达  多个神经网络和递延的神经网络

作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/3/27 16:03:05


美国加州大学Alex A. Pollen研究团队近期取得重要工作进展。他们的工作揭示了灵长类大脑抑制性神经元的发育与进化机理。这一研究成果2022年3月23日在线发表于《自然》杂志上。

在这里,研究人员通过分析250181个细胞的转录组,重建了猕猴和小鼠在整个神经发生期产生的抑制性神经元 (INs)的基因表达轨迹。他们发现,在哺乳动物中,胎儿产前产生的INs的最初类别在很大程度上是保守的。尽管如此,他们确定了两种截然不同的发育机制,用于在产前发育过程中指导新细胞类型的进化。首先,研究人员发现最近鉴定出的灵长类特异性TAC3纹状体INs是由一个独特的祖细胞转录程序指定的,然后在新生神经元中诱导一系列不同的神经肽和神经递质受体。其次,他们发现多类转录保守的嗅球 (OB) 结合的前体被重定向到扩展的灵长类白质和纹状体。这些类别包括类似于 OB 的多巴胺能肾小球周细胞的新型月桂纹状体周围神经元。


据介绍,神经解剖学家长期以来一直推测,扩展的灵长类动物大脑包含增加的抑制性神经元 (INs) 的形态多样性,最近的研究已经在分子水平上确定了灵长类动物特异性的神经元群体。然而,研究人员对大脑中特定进化新细胞类型的发育机制知之甚少。


Title: The development and evolution of inhibitory neurons in primate cerebrum

Author: Schmitz, Matthew T., Sandoval, Kadellyn, Chen, Christopher P., Mostajo-Radji, Mohammed A., Seeley, William W., Nowakowski, Tomasz J., Ye, Chun Jimmie, Paredes, Mercedes F., Pollen, Alex A.

Issue&Volume: 2022-03-23

Abstract: Neuroanatomists have long speculated that expanded primate brains contain an increased morphological diversity of inhibitory neurons (INs)1, and recent studies have identified primate-specific neuronal populations at the molecular level2. However, we know little about the developmental mechanisms that specify evolutionarily novel cell types in the brain. Here, we reconstruct gene expression trajectories specifying INs generated throughout the neurogenic period in macaques and mice by analysing the transcriptomes of 250,181 cells. We find that the initial classes of INs generated prenatally are largely conserved among mammals. Nonetheless, we identify two contrasting developmental mechanisms for specifying evolutionarily novel cell types during prenatal development. First, we show that recently identified primate-specific TAC3 striatal INs are specified by a unique transcriptional programme in progenitors followed by induction of a distinct suite of neuropeptides and neurotransmitter receptors in new-born neurons. Second, we find that multiple classes of transcriptionally conserved olfactory bulb (OB)-bound precursors are redirected to expanded primate white matter and striatum. These classes include a novel peristriatal class of striatum laureatum neurons that resemble dopaminergic periglomerular cells of the OB. We propose an evolutionary model in which conserved initial classes of neurons supplying the smaller primate OB are reused in the enlarged striatum and cortex. Together, our results provide a unified developmental taxonomy of initial classes of mammalian INs and reveal multiple developmental mechanisms for neural cell type evolution. Evolutionary modelling shows that an initial set of inhibitory neurons serving olfactory bulbs may have been repurposed to diversify the taxonomy of interneurons found in the expanded striata and cortices in primates.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04510-w

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04510-w



https://paper.sciencenet.cn/html ... 27163556571351.shtm

https://www.linkresearcher.com/t ... 3-981b-fc12e38346eb

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