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Electrophysiological Mechanism of Musical Information Processing in Major Depressive Disorder
音乐显著降低抑郁障碍患者的脑电α波及β波功率 抑郁症调节 安宁
【作者】 牟真;
【导师】 许晶;
【作者基本信息】 大连医科大学 , 医学心理学, 2016, 博士
【摘要】 实验一抑郁障碍音乐特征信息前注意加工的事件相关电位研究目的:采用事件相关电位技术(Event-related potentials,ERPs)对抑郁障碍(Major depressive disorder,MDD)患者音乐特征信息前注意加工进行探讨。方法:抑郁障碍组纳入20名符合DSM-IV抑郁障碍诊断标准的被试,健康对照组纳入20名年龄、性别与之相匹配的健康成人。实验采用音乐多特征范式,刺激材料为按照西方音乐中常见的低音模式组合在一起的音符,以其中固定位置的音符作为标准刺激,以该音符在音高、音色、声音位置、音量及节奏等6种音乐特征的变化作为偏差刺激。刺激序列由E-Prime软件呈现,被试在实验过程中需集中注意力观看无声字幕电影,忽略听觉刺激。64导电极帽记录脑电并对脑电数据进行离线分析,对受试者由6种音乐特征偏差引起的听觉MMN波幅及潜伏期进行重复测量方差分析,并对抑郁障碍患者MMN波幅及潜伏期与其临床症状评分做皮尔逊相关分析。结果:1.6种音乐特征偏差刺激均在健康对照组成功诱发出MMN。2.音色偏差引发MMN波幅具有显著的组间差异(F=7.105,p = 0.011),表现为抑郁障碍组音色MMN波幅显著高于健康对照。3.抑郁障碍组所有MMN波幅与潜伏期均与其临床症状评分无显著相关。结论:1.抑郁障碍患者音乐特征信息前注意加工存在异常,提示其音色MMN波幅显著高于健康对照组,而音高、声音位置、音量、滑音及节奏MMN在两组间不存在显著差异。2.音色MMN是疾病特质相关而非状态相关指标。实验二音乐情绪信息前注意加工事件相关电位研究目的:采用事件相关电位技术(Event-related potentials,ERPs),以预先经过情绪效价评估的古典音乐片段作为刺激材料,对人脑快乐和悲伤情绪音乐信息的前注意加工特点进行初步探讨,以便于进一步应用于临床研究。方法:研究对象为平均年龄40.2±10.3岁、听视力正常且未接受过专业音乐训练的健康成人20例(6男14女)。刺激序列由E-Prime软件呈现。刺激材料包括情绪性音乐片段共24段,分为快乐音乐和悲伤音乐片段各12段;实验包含2个Block,采用Reverse-oddball范式,即以其中一个Block以快乐音乐为标准刺激,悲伤音乐为偏差刺激,另一个Block相反。采用SPSS16.0统计软件对不同情绪音乐片段的偏差刺激与标准刺激引发ERP波幅采用重复测量方差分析。结果:1.快乐音乐作为偏差刺激所诱发ERP波幅的刺激类型主效应显著(F =33.680,p<0.001),提示本实验成功诱发快乐音乐MMN。2.悲伤音乐作为偏差刺激所诱发ERP波幅的刺激类型主效应不显著(F =2.261,p = 0.149),提示本实验未能成功诱发悲伤音乐MMN。结论:本实验采用Reverse-oddball范式对健康成人脑对音乐情绪信息前注意加工进行探讨,成功诱发出快乐音乐MMN而非未能诱发出悲伤音乐MMN。实验三抑郁障碍音乐情绪信息前注意加工的事件相关电位研究目的:采用事件相关电位技术(Event-related potentials,ERPs)进一步探讨抑郁障碍患者对快乐和悲伤情绪音乐信息的前注意加工。方法:在实验二的基础上纳入抑郁障碍组被试20例,两组人在年龄、性别方面相匹配,刺激序列由E-Prime软件呈现。刺激材料包括情绪性音乐片段共24段,分为快乐音乐和悲伤音乐片段各12段;实验包含2个Block,采用Reverse-oddball范式,即以其中一个Block以快乐音乐为标准刺激,悲伤音乐为偏差刺激,另一个Block相反。采用SPSS16.0统计软件对两组被试由情绪音乐偏差诱发MMN波幅与潜伏期进行重复测量方差分析,并对抑郁障碍组被试MMN波幅及潜伏期与其临床症状评分进行皮尔逊相关分析。结果:1.抑郁障碍组与健康对照组在快乐音乐MMN方面存在显著的组间差异(F =6.834,p<0.05),提示抑郁障碍组被试MMN波幅显著低于健康对照组。2.在抑郁障碍组与健康对照组中均未能诱发出悲伤音乐MMN。结论:抑郁障碍患者由快乐音乐诱发MMN显著低于健康对照组,表明抑郁障碍患者音乐情绪信息前注意加工存在异常。实验四抑郁障碍音乐背景下的定量脑电图研究目的:采用定量脑电图(quantitative electroencephalogram,QEEG)技术对抑郁障碍患者静息态及音乐背景下脑电活动特点进行比较,探讨抑郁障碍与健康人相比脑电活动存在的异常以及这种异常与疾病严重程度是否存在相关,同时研究音乐对抑郁障碍脑电活动的调节作用。方法:研究对象为抑郁障碍患者20人及年龄、性别与之相匹配的20名健康成人。抑郁障碍组被试均符合DSM-Ⅳ中抑郁障碍的诊断标准,所有被试均经由汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HRSD-17)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)以及简易智力状态量表(MMSE)的测评。采集记录被试清醒、睁眼、安静、坐位状态下及聆听古典音乐状态下脑电各9分钟,运用Matlab软件对脑电数据进行离线处理,以短时傅里叶变换(STFT)的方法,选取额区(F3、FZ、F4)、中央区(C3、CZ、C4)、顶区(P3、PZ、P4)以及枕区(O1、OZ、02)的电极,分别计算各个频段δ(1-3.5Hz),0(4-7Hz),α(8-13 Hz),β(13-30 Hz)的能量信息,并绘制出平均脑地形图;另外选取额区FP1、FP2、F7、F8作为计算额区脑电α波不对称性(FAA)的特征电极。对两组被试两种条件下各频段脑电功率及FAA值进行重复测量方差分析,并与抑郁障碍组被试临床量表得分进行皮尔逊相关分析。结果:1.静息态脑电β波功率组间差异显著(F = 8.803,p=0.005),表现为抑郁障碍组脑电β波功率显著高于健康对照组;音乐背景下脑电δ波功率组间差异显著(F(1,38)= 9.888,p = 0.003),表现为抑郁障碍组脑电δ波功率显著低于健康对照组。2.抑郁障碍组音乐背景下脑电α波与β波功率均显著低于静息状态(α波:F=26.555,p<0.001;β波:F = 22.052,p<0.001);抑郁障碍组与健康对照组音乐背景下脑电δ波低于静息状态,差异均呈边缘显著(MDD:F = 4.334,p = 0.051;HC:F = 3.139,p=0.092);两组被试音乐背景下脑电θ波功率均显著低于静息状态(MDD:F = 9.977,p=0.005;HC:F = 7.517,p=0.013)。3.静息态FAA值组间差异边缘显著(F = 3.024,p = 0.090),无其他主效应或交互相应。4.抑郁障碍组被试四个波段功率值、FAA值与其HRSD-17、HAMA评分均无显著相关。结论:1.抑郁障碍患者脑电活动与健康人群相比存在明显异常,表现为静息态脑电β波显著高于对照组,而音乐背景下脑电δ波显著低于对照组;抑郁障碍患者静息态条件下额区α波活动具有不对称趋势。2.音乐对抑郁障碍患者脑电活动具有调节作用,表现为音乐显著降低抑郁障碍患者的脑电α波及β波功率。
【Abstract】 Experiment 1 : Preattentive processing of musical features in major depressive disorderObjective:By using the event-related potentials,the present study aims to explore preattentive processing of musical features in patients with major depressive disorder.Methods:MMN responses to different musical features were compared in 20 patients with MDD and 20 age-matched healthy controls.The multi-feature paradigm was used to examine automatic change detection of six different musical sound features(pitch,timbre,location,intensity,slide,rhythm)in a complex musical context.Severity of depression and co-morbid anxiety were evaluated using the Hamilton Rating Scale of Depression(HRSD-17)and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale(HAMA).Results:1.MMNs were obtained with all deviants.2.The amplitudes of timbre-MMN were significantly larger in MDD patients than in healthy controls(F = 7.105,p = 0.011),while the other deviants(pitch,location,intensity,slide and rhythm)elicited similar MMN across groups.3.For MDD patients,the amplitudes and latencies of MMNs did not correlate with severity of depression or co-morbid anxiety.Conclusion : Patients with MDD do not perform at the same level as controls in automatic change detection of timbre.This dysfunction is considered to be a trait-dependent feature of MDD.Experiment 2 :
Preattentive processing of emotional music informationObjective:This study was to investigate the preattentive processing of emotional music information and validate the paradigm used.Methods:20 healthy and untrained volunteers were recruited for this study.Stimuli included 24 emotional music excerpts which have been estimated previously as happy music and sad music.Reverse-oddball paradigm was used.Subjects were instructed to watch a silent movie but to ignore the musical stimuli delivered through the headphone.The mean amplitudes of the ERPs elicited by emotional music excerpts as standard or deviant stimuli was analyzed.Results:There was a significant main effect of Type(F(1,19)= 33.680,p<0.001)in amplitudes of the ERPs elicited by happy music,suggesting happy-MMN was obtained;the sad-MMN was not obtained as there was no significant main effect of Type(F(1,19)= 2.261,p = 0.149).Conclusion:This paradigm can elicit happy-MMN while the sad-MMN was not obtained.Experiment 3 : Preattentive processing of emotional music information in major depressive disorderObjective:The current study aims to investigate preattentive processing of emotional music information in patients with major depressive disorder.Methods:20 patients with major depressive disorder and 20 age/gender-matched healthy controls were recruited for this study.Stimuli included 24 emotional music excerpts which have been estimated previously as happy music and sad music.Reverse-oddball paradigm was used.Subjects were instructed to watch a silent movie but to ignore the musical stimuli delivered through the headphone.The mean amplitudes of the MMN elicited by emotional music excerpts was analyzed.Results:1.Happy or sad music deviants did not evoked MMN in patients with MDD;.2.There was a significant main effect of Group in amplitudes of happy-MMN ( F =6.834,p<0.05),deriving from the MMN in MDD decreased significantly.Conclusion:There was dysfunction in preattentive processing of sad music in major depressive disorder.Experiment 4 : Quantitative electroencephalogram of music in patients with major depressive disorderObjective:By using the quantitative electroencephalogram,the present study was to investigate the power of each rhythm band of electroencephalogram in patients with depression under music background.Methods:20 MDD patients and 20 age/gender-matched healthy controls were recruited in this study.EEG were recorded in a resting awake condition with the eyes open and with music delivered through headphone for 9 minutes,respectively.EEG signals were processed offline with the method of Short time Fourier transform(STFT).We select electrodes F3、FZ、F4、C3、CZ、C4、P3、PZ、P4、01、OZ、O2 to calculate the power for 4 thythm bands:δ(1-3.5 Hz),0(4-7 Hz),a(8-13 Hz),β(13-30 Hz);we also select FP1、FP2、F7、F8 to calculate FAA metric which reflects the frontal alpha assymetry.Results:1.Under resting condition,the main effect of Group in β band was significant(F=8.803,p= 0.005).Under music condition,the main effect of Group in δ band was significant(F(1,38)= 9.888,P=0.003).2.In patients with MDD,the main effects of Condition in a and β band were significant(a:F = 26.555,p<0.001;β:F = 22.052,p<0.001),deriving from power ofα and β band were significantly lower in music condition than resting condition.In patients with MDD and healthy controls,the main effect of Condition in 8 band was marginally significant(MDD:F = 4.334,p= 0.051;HC:F = 3.139,p = 0.092);the main effect of Condition in 0 band was significant(MDD:F = 9.977,p = 0.005;HC:F =7.517,p = 0.013). 3 . Under resting condition,the main effect of Group in FAA metric was marginally significant(F = 3.024,p = 0.090). 4 . The power in all of the four bands and FAA metric were not correlated with the scores on HRSD-17 or HAMA in patients with MDD.Conclusion:1.Music modulates power of a and β band in patients with major depressive disorder.2.Patients with MDD exhibited dysfunctions in brain acitivity,including increased power in β band under resting condition and decreased power in δ band under music condition.In addition,there was a trend of frontal alpha asymmetry in MDD patients. 还原
【关键词】 抑郁障碍; 音乐; 前注意加工; 失匹配负波; 定量脑电图;
【Key words】 Major depressive disorder; Music; Preattentive processing; Mismatch negativity; Quantitative electroencephalogram;
【网络出版投稿人】 大连医科大学【网络出版年期】2019年 01期
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