本帖最后由 邓文龙 于 2021-2-11 13:38 编辑
活性物质是能够局部地利用能量来产生运动的物质系统,包括从单细胞到动物的所有生命体,由分子马达驱动的生物分子,以及人工合成的自驱动物质。 材料的粘弹性可以控制活性流体在空间和时间上的自组织。
论文标题:Viscoelastic control of spatiotemporal order in bacterial active matter
作者:Song Liu, Suraj Shankar, M. Cristina Marchetti, Yilin Wu
摘要:Active matter consists of units that generate mechanical work by consuming energy1. Examples include living systems (such as assemblies of bacteria2,3,4,5 and biological tissues6,7), biopolymers driven by molecular motors8,9,10,11 and suspensions of synthetic self-propelled particles12,13,14. A central goal is to understand and control the self-organization of active assemblies in space and time. Most active systems exhibit either spatial order mediated by interactions that coordinate the spatial structure and the motion of active agents12,14,15 or the temporal synchronization of individual oscillatory dynamics2. The simultaneous control of spatial and temporal organization is more challenging and generally requires complex interactions, such as reaction–diffusion hierarchies16 or genetically engineered cellular circuits2. Here we report a simple technique to simultaneously control the spatial and temporal self-organization of bacterial active matter. We confine dense active suspensions of Escherichia coli cells and manipulate a single macroscopic parameter—namely, the viscoelasticity of the suspending fluid— through the addition of purified genomic DNA. This reveals self-driven spatial and temporal organization in the form of a millimetre-scale rotating vortex with periodically oscillating global chirality of tunable frequency, reminiscent of a torsional pendulum. By combining experiments with an active-matter model, we explain this behaviour in terms of the interplay between active forcing and viscoelastic stress relaxation. Our findings provide insight into the influence of bacterial motile behaviour in complex fluids, which may be of interest in health- and ecology-related research, and demonstrate experimentally that rheological properties can be harnessed to control active-matter flows17,18. We envisage that our millimetre-scale, tunable, self-oscillating bacterial vortex may be coupled to actuation systems to act a ‘clock generator’ capable of providing timing signals for rhythmic locomotion of soft robots and for programmed microfluidic pumping19, for example, by triggering the action of a shift register in soft-robotic logic devices20.
来源 香港中文大学
编辑 戚译引
港中大博士研究生刘松和他的导师物理系副教授吴艺林开展了这项工作。刘松目前在韩国的基础科学研究院进行博士后研究。两位港中大物理学者对生命体(尤其是微生物)构成的活性物质有着持久的研究兴趣。在 2017 年同样发表于《自然》的一项研究中,他们和合作者报道了一种可以在生物系统中产生集体振荡的“弱同步”机制,指出大量无规则运动的个体之间只要有微弱的耦合就可以在形成隐藏的整体周期运动,即时间上的有序性。然而,在时间和空间上同时控制活性物质的有序性远为困难。在这项新的工作中,他们在活性流体的粘弹性里找到了线索。粘弹性是常见于复杂流体的一种力学性质,用来描述复杂流体在遇到外力形变过程中兼具粘滞液体和弹性固体行为。他们利用 DNA 分子来调控细菌活性流体的粘弹性,在显微镜下发现了令人惊叹的景象:细菌活性液体先是在空间上自组织成有序的定向运动,形成毫米尺度的巨大涡旋;然后涡旋以可控的周期改变旋转方向, 如同一个自主驱动的扭摆,呈现极为稳定的时间有序性。
图:(a) 细菌活性流体形成的毫米尺度巨型涡旋(相差显微照片)。(b) 一个巨型涡旋的瞬时速度场。图 a,b 的标尺为 250 微米。(c) 巨型涡旋周期性地反转旋转方向(即扭摆式振动)。图中平均涡流(mean vortical flow)取正值时为逆时针方向,取负值时为顺时针方向。(d) 巨型涡旋周期性振动过程中角速度 ω 和转角 α 的相空间轨迹。(图片由研究团队提供)
这些新颖的现象直观上源于主动应力和粘弹性应力弛豫之间的相互影响。粘弹性应力弛豫指的是复杂流体在遇到外力时从类似固体到类似液体的行为转变过程。为了更进一步理解这些现象,港中大物理系研究者们与加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的理论物理学教授 Cristina Marchetti 及其博士研究生、目前为哈佛大学Junior Fellow 的 Suraj Shankar 合作。两位理论合作者发展了一个活性物质理论,用来描述细菌主动应力,介质弹性应力,以及细菌速度场和方向场之间的相互作用。基于该理论的分析和数值模拟完好地复现了主要实验结果,尤其是对模型的线性稳定性分析解释了时间和空间自组织的起源。当体系的粘弹性应力弛豫时间比较短时,主动应力使细菌和介质的取向趋同,从而抑制湍流并产生空间上有序的定向流动;当体系的粘弹性应力弛豫时间超过主动应力的作用时间尺度,介质在短时间里表现得类似弹性固体,其形变落后于主动应力,通过一种被称为 Hopf 分岔的机制产生流体不稳定性并导致周期性振动。
1. Chong Chen, Song Liu, Xiaqing Shi, Hugues Chaté, Yilin Wu (2017) Weak synchronization and large-scale collective oscillation in dense bacterial suspensions. Nature, 542, 210–214.
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