2015年2月28日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --两性之间的相互作用产生的自然选择是导致地球上物种多样性的原因之一。这种相互作用能够使得不同性别的物种发生动态的协同进化,例如雄性的鸟类在求偶过程中令人咋舌的行为以及雄性昆虫较少的美丽的交配附肢。然而交配行为影响的不仅仅是动物们的性生活。比如,人为地干预动物的性选择过程可能会导致天然物种的缺失,雄性动物对雌性动物的不当骚扰会提高该物种灭绝的风险。Science最近一期的文章中刊登了Mitchell等人研究的关于蚊子的性进化过程对人类健康的影响(相关文章: Evolution of sexual traits influencing vectorial capacity in anopheline mosquitoes)。
Selection arising from interactions between the sexes is responsible for some of the most striking diversity on the planet. These interactions generate coevolutionary dynamics between males and females that have shaped traits such as the striking courtship displays of male birds and the less winsome mating appendages of some male insects. But research on sexual selection has relevance beyond understanding the weird sex lives of animals. For example, human disturbance of sexual selection can lead to the loss of native species and sexually selected male harassment of females can increase a species' risk of extinction. In this issue, Mitchell et al. show that sexual selection can also be relevant to human health.