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大年初一得喜讯 日本六名中国实习生获"和解金"

发表于 2009-1-28 09:58:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



发表于 2009-2-10 04:24:37 | 只看该作者

China's deteriorating human rights situation

In addition to the adjustment of the tactical level, the Japanese in the "Islands" on the issue of the overall strategy must change also took place. Japan has been on the Diaoyu Islands have always adopted a "low profile" treatment approach, namely "actual control but does not openly share." China Sea supervisor "12.8" operations, the occupation of the Diaoyu Islands, Japan began to seek the open, to strengthen the Diaoyu Islands "declaration of sovereignty." Due to the Diaoyu Islands do not have their own port in permanent non-existent vessels, so the Japanese media that the so-called Permanent PLH type in the Diaoyu Islands to inspect ships, more demonstrators to the Chinese side.
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发表于 2009-2-13 02:10:44 | 只看该作者

the Coast Guard around the Diaoyu Islands

Japan Coast Guard on the Diaoyu Islands, "policing system," the scope and focus have also been adjusted. Earlier, buy 2moons dilthe Coast Guard around the Diaoyu Islands is divided into three patrol areas, huy warhammer online gold12 sea miles away from the scope of the Diaoyu Islands as "the absolute prohibition of Area", 12 sea miles ~ 24 sea miles to "strictly monitor the area", 24 miles as a "warning and surveillance zones." kevlar bulletproof vestsThe entire "alert system" is the core to prevent the mainland and Taiwan civil vessels near the Diaoyu Islands, the Diaoyu Islands to enter the Chinese fishing 12 nautical miles and "Diaoyu Islands" vessel using percussive, high-pressure water jet to be violent,tattoo kits such as expulsion. As for the waters around the Diaoyu Islands in Chinese warships and official vessel,lord of the rings online gold usually taken by Coast Guard surveillance, etc. They may be followed by target identification and monitoring.
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