John Wemmie和同事推测,神经细胞膜中一种对酸性敏感的ASIC通道也许与此有关。为了验证这种假设,他们培育出一种缺少ASIC通道分子的模式小鼠,再让这种小鼠患上癫痫。与正常的接受同样治疗的癫痫小鼠相比,缺少ASIC通道分子的癫痫小鼠出现了更为严重的惊厥和痉挛。吸入二氧化碳有助于阻止正常小鼠这种疾病的发作,却对缺失ASIC1a的小鼠却没有效果。科学家们还发现,ASIC1a的区域有更多被抑止的神经细胞,而酸性环境中会强有力地刺激ASIC1a。
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the etiology and inducing factors of status epileptics (SE) in adults.Methods Clinical data of 48 adult patients with status epileptics were analyzed retrospectively. Results The majority of SE in adults (38 cases) was caused by secondary epilepsy, the major causes of SE in adults were cerebrovascular disease (14 cases), head trauma(10 cases)and viral encephalitis(8 cases). The three leading inducing factors in those with preexisting seizure were anticonvulsant drug withdrawal (14 cases), infection (8 cases) and over fatigue (3 cases). Of all the 48 cases of SE, 45 patients were under complete control after active treatment, 3 patients died and the fatality was 6.25%.Conclusion Cerebrovascular disease is the most common cause of SE in adults and anticonvulsant drug withdrawal is the major cause in adult patients with preexisting epilepsy. Early diagnosis and timely cure may improve the rate of success of salvage. The key to prevention of SE is taking medicine as directed and avoiding all kinds of the inducing factors.
【Key words】 Status epileptics; Adult; Etiology; Prognosis
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来自香港科技大学生命科学部,分子神经科学国家重点实验室,日本东京大学等处的研究人员发表了题为“α2-chimaerin controls neuronal migration and functioning of the cerebral cortex through CRMP-2”的文章,揭示了一种重要蛋白:α2-chimaerin在癫痫发病过程中的神经细胞迁移方面扮演的重要作用,首次成功揭开了α2-chimaerin蛋白与癫痫发病之间的关联,相关成果公布在Nature Neuroscience杂志上。
文章的通讯作者是香港科技大学叶玉如(Nancy Y Ip)教授,这位著名的神经生物学家早年毕业于美国Simmons学院,1983年获美国哈佛大学医学院博士学位。现任香港科技大学教授,生物技术研究所所长及分子神经科学中心主任等职务,兼任中国科学院上海脑研究所、生命科学研究中心及神经科学研究所客席研究员,南京大学、同济医科大学等大学的名誉教授。叶玉如教授2001年当选为中国科学院院士。2004荣获“联合国(教科文——欧莱雅)世界杰出女科学家成就奖”。