近日,来自瑞士苏黎世大学的研究团队,在医学顶刊BMJ发表一篇题为“Recovery and symptom trajectories up to two years after SARS-CoV-2 infection: population based, longitudinal cohort study”的研究论文[1],发现尽管随着时间的推移症状和健康损害的严重程度有所下降,但多达18%的感染者在感染两年后仍受到新冠后遗症的影响。
[1] Ballouz T, Menges D, Anagnostopoulos A, Domenghino A, Aschmann H E, Frei A et al. Recovery and symptom trajectories up to two years after SARS-CoV-2 infection: population based, longitudinal cohort study BMJ 2023; 381 :e074425