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Nature: The speed of global scientific research and innovation has been slowing down over the past 60 years, and has entered the "incremental era" Nature: there are more and more papers and patents, but there are fewer and fewer breakthroughs.
With the passage of time, it is increasingly impossible for papers and patents to break the past by pushing science and technology in a new direction. After analyzing 45 million papers and 3.9 million patents over the past 60 years, a new study in Nature magazine gives the answer to this question in a quantitative way: although the number of scientific papers and patents is increasing exponentially, the innovation of various disciplines is declining. Although the number of new scientific and technological knowledge has increased exponentially in recent decades, research shows that, regrettably, progress in many major areas is slowing down. The author analyzed the research papers in the four major fields of life science and medicine, physics, social science and technology, as well as five patents in chemistry, computational communication, medicine, electronics and machinery. As a result, the innovation of scientific discoveries and inventions in all fields has declined significantly.
论文标题:Papers and patents are becoming less disruptive over time
作者:Park, Michael, Leahey, Erin, Funk, Russell J.
摘要:Theories of scientific and technological change view discovery and invention as endogenous processes1,2, wherein previous accumulated knowledge enables future progress by allowing researchers to, in Newton’s words, ‘stand on the shoulders of giants’3,4,5,6,7. Recent decades have witnessed exponential growth in the volume of new scientific and technological knowledge, thereby creating conditions that should be ripe for major advances8,9. Yet contrary to this view, studies suggest that progress is slowing in several major fields10,11. Here, we analyse these claims at scale across six decades, using data on 45 million papers and 3.9 million patents from six large-scale datasets, together with a new quantitative metric—the CD index12—that characterizes how papers and patents change networks of citations in science and technology. We find that papers and patents are increasingly less likely to break with the past in ways that push science and technology in new directions. This pattern holds universally across fields and is robust across multiple different citation- and text-based metrics1,13,14,15,16,17. Subsequently, we link this decline in disruptiveness to a narrowing in the use of previous knowledge, allowing us to reconcile the patterns we observe with the ‘shoulders of giants’ view. We find that the observed declines are unlikely to be driven by changes in the quality of published science, citation practices or field-specific factors. Overall, our results suggest that slowing rates of disruption may reflect a fundamental shift in the nature of science and technology.
最新论文的作者是来自明尼苏达大学和亚利桑那大学的3位科学家。为了分析半个多世纪以来的科技发展趋势,研究团队检索了1945-2010年间来自Web of Science数据库的2500万篇研究论文,以及1976-2010年间来自美国专利及商标局数据库的390万项专利。此外,他们还选取了另外4个论文数据库的2000万篇论文进行交叉验证。