蛋白GPNMB 通过与 α-突触核蛋白的相互作用赋予帕金森病的风险。本文是神经退行性顽疾帕金森病(震颤麻痹症)早期诊断关联基础研究论文。(中国领导人之一的邓小平、作家巴金、数学家陈景润、拳王阿里、明星凯瑟琳·赫本等即患帕金森病)
(Google Translate: )
"Science": New breakthrough in Parkinson's disease research! Detect risk in time before shaking hands, high monoglycoprotein in blood
The protein GPNMB confers the risk of Parkinson's disease through its interaction with alpha-synuclein. This article is a basic research paper on the early diagnosis of the neurodegenerative disease Parkinson's disease (paralysis tremor). (Deng Xiaoping, one of the Chinese leaders, writer Ba Jin, mathematician Chen Jingrun, boxing champion Ali, star Katherine Hepburn, etc. suffer from Parkinson's disease)
(グーグル翻訳: )
「サイエンス」:パーキンソン病研究に新たなブレイクスルー! 握手する前に時間内にリスクを検出、血液中のモノ糖タンパク質が高い
タンパク質 GPNMB は、α-シヌクレインとの相互作用を通じてパーキンソン病のリスクをもたらします。 この記事は、神経変性疾患であるパーキンソン病(麻痺性振戦)の早期診断に関する基礎研究論文です。 (鄧小平、中国の指導者の一人、作家のバ・ジン、数学者のチェン・ジンルン、ボクシングチャンピオンのアリ、スターのキャサリン・ヘプバーンなどはパーキンソン病に苦しんでいます)
论文标题:GPNMB confers risk for Parkinson’s disease through interaction with α-synuclein
作者:Maria E. Diaz-Ortiz, Yunji Seo, Marijan Posavi, Marc Carceles Cordon, et al.
摘要:Many risk loci for Parkinson’s disease (PD) have been identified by genome-wide association studies (GWASs), but target genes and mechanisms remain largely unknown. We linked the GWAS-derived chromosome 7 locus (sentinel single-nucleotide polymorphism rs199347) to GPNMB through colocalization analyses of expression quantitative trait locus and PD risk signals, confirmed by allele-specific expression studies in the human brain. In cells, glycoprotein nonmetastatic melanoma protein B (GPNMB) coimmunoprecipitated and colocalized with α-synuclein (aSyn). In induced pluripotent stem cell–derived neurons, loss of GPNMB resulted in loss of ability to internalize aSyn fibrils and develop aSyn pathology. In 731 PD and 59 control biosamples, GPNMB was elevated in PD plasma, associating with disease severity. Thus, GPNMB represents a PD risk gene with potential for biomarker development and therapeutic targeting.
顶尖学术期刊《科学》日前发表了一篇关于帕金森病的新论文,宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)佩雷尔曼医学院的研究人员通过计算生物学、细胞生物学和基于人体组织的研究发现,检测帕金森病患者血液中的一种糖蛋白含量,将有助于尽早了解日后的疾病风险。
[1] Maria E. Diaz-Ortiz et al., (2022) GPNMB confers risk for Parkinson’s disease through interaction with α-synuclein. Science DOI: 10.1126/science.abk0637
[2] Brit Mollenhauer & Christine A. F. von Arnim (2022) Toward preventing Parkinson’s disease. Science. Doi: 10.1126/science.add7162
[3] Glycoprotein GPNMB Is A Possible Biomarker For Parkinson’S Disease Risk. Retrieved Aug. 19, 2022 from https://www.news-medical.net/new ... S-Disease-Risk.aspx