细胞物理性损伤,激活了细胞的程序性死亡通路。高体温诱导的炎症、DIC、多脏器损伤与死亡。降温。 本文是中暑、热射病致死机理的临床基础医学研究论文。
(百度翻訳: )
(Baidu translation: )
Science: why is heatstroke fatal? Chinese scientists reveal the lethal mechanism of radiation sickness cell death inflammation DIC multiple organ injury
The physical injury of cells activates the programmed cell death pathway. Hyperthermia induced inflammation, DIC, multiple organ injury and death. Cooling. This paper is a basic clinical medical research paper on the death mechanism of heatstroke and heat stroke.
22-5月5日,中南大学湘雅三医院吕奔教授团队在《科学》(Science)上在线发表了题为“Z-DNA binding protein 1 promotes heatstroke-induced cell death”的研究论文,揭示了热射病的重要致死机理——高体温通过Z-DNA结合蛋白-1(ZBP1)诱发过度的程序性细胞死亡,进而导致危及生命的弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)与多脏器损伤。论文的第一单位是中南大学湘雅三医院。