Title: Undulating changes in human plasma proteome profiles across the lifespan
Author: Benoit Lehallier, David Gate, Nicholas Schaum, Tibor Nanasi, Song Eun Lee, Hanadie Yousef, Patricia Moran Losada, Daniela Berdnik, Andreas Keller, Joe Verghese, Sanish Sathyan, Claudio Franceschi, Sofiya Milman, Nir Barzilai, Tony Wyss-Coray
Issue&Volume: 2019-12-05
Abstract: Aging is a predominant risk factor for several chronic diseases that limit healthspan1. Mechanisms of aging are thus increasingly recognized as potential therapeutic targets. Blood from young mice reverses aspects of aging and disease across multiple tissues2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, which supports a hypothesis that age-related molecular changes in blood could provide new insights into age-related disease biology. We measured 2,925 plasma proteins from 4,263 young adults to nonagenarians (18–95 years old) and developed a new bioinformatics approach that uncovered marked non-linear alterations in the human plasma proteome with age. Waves of changes in the proteome in the fourth, seventh and eighth decades of life reflected distinct biological pathways and revealed differential associations with the genome and proteome of age-related diseases and phenotypic traits. This new approach to the study of aging led to the identification of unexpected signatures and pathways that might offer potential targets for age-related diseases.
冰岛大学医学院教授Valur Emilsson、Vilmundur Gudnason及诺华生物医药研究所疾病生物标记物研究部主任Lori L. Jennings在同期《自然·医学》杂志发表评论文章称,衰老和衰老相关疾病是一个复杂的过程,并不是由单一的蛋白因素所引起的,“Tony Wyss-Coray团队的研究加深了我们对血浆蛋白在人体衰老过程中所扮演的角色的认识,拓宽了我们对疾病预防的认知”。[2]
1.Benoit Lehallier, David Gate, Nicholas Schaum , et al., Undulating changes in human plasma proteome profiles across the lifespan. Nature Medicine. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-019-0673-2
2.Valur Emilsson, Vilmundur Gudnason and Lori L. Jennings. Predicting health and life span with the deep plasma proteome. Nature Medicine. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-019-0677-y