巨噬细胞是造血系统中可塑性最强的一种细胞,所有组织中都有这种细胞,并且其也具有极强的功能多样性。4月25日Nature杂志以“A Cell For All Seasons”为标题在封面上放上了一个蓝色的巨噬细胞图片,并在刊内以综述的形式探讨了巨噬细胞为哺乳动物生理及病理生理适应性所做的贡献,并从这种平衡机制的角度解析了巨噬细胞。
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生物通报道:巨噬细胞是造血系统中可塑性最强的一种细胞,所有组织中都有这种细胞,并且其也具有极强的功能多样性。4月25日Nature杂志以“A Cell For All Seasons”为标题在封面上放上了一个蓝色的巨噬细胞图片,并在刊内以综述的形式探讨了巨噬细胞为哺乳动物生理及病理生理适应性所做的贡献,并从这种平衡机制的角度解析了巨噬细胞。
Macrophage biology in development, homeostasis and disease
Macrophages, the most plastic cells of the haematopoietic system, are found in all tissues and show great functional diversity. They have roles in development, homeostasis, tissue repair and immunity. Although tissue macrophages are anatomically distinct from one another, and have different transcriptional profiles and functional capabilities, they are all required for the maintenance of homeostasis. However, these reparative and homeostatic functions can be subverted by chronic insults, resulting in a causal association of macrophages with disease states. In this Review, we discuss how macrophages regulate normal physiology and development, and provide several examples of their pathophysiological roles in disease. We define the ‘hallmarks’ of macrophages according to the states that they adopt during the performance of their various roles, taking into account new insights into the diversity of their lineages, identities and regulation. It is essential to understand this diversity because macrophages have emerged as important therapeutic targets in many human diseases.