资讯出处:Small but distinct differences among species mark evolution of human brain
原始出处: A.M.M. Sousa el al., "Molecular and cellular reorganization of neural circuits in the human lineage," Science (2017). science.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi … 1126/science.aan3456
AndréMM Sousa 1,*,Ying Zhu 1,*,玛丽安Raghanti 2,罗伯特·厨房3,4,马科·奥诺拉蒂1,5,Andrew TN Tebbenkamp 1,Bernardo Stutz 6,Kyle A. Meyer 1,李明峰1,尤卡·伊马默拉川泽1,7,刘福臣1,Raquel Garcia Perez 8,Marta Mele 8,蒂亚戈·卡瓦略8,马里奥·斯卡里卡1,Forrest O. Gulden 1,Mihovil Pletikos 1,Akemi Shibata 1,Alexa R. Stephenson 2,Melissa K. Edler 2,John J. Ely 9,约翰D.埃尔斯沃思4,塔马斯·L·霍瓦斯1,6,Patrick R. Hof 10,Thomas M. Hyde 11,Joel E. Kleinman 11,Daniel R. Weinberger 11,Mark Reimers 12,理查德·P·利夫顿13,14,15,Shrikant M. Mane 16,James P. Noonan 13,Matthew W. State 17,Ed S. Lein 18,James A. Knowles 19,托马斯的Marques-Bonet的8,20,21,Chet C. Sherwood 22,Mark B. Gerstein 3,内纳德·塞斯坦†,1,4,6,13,23
科学 2017年11月24日:
卷。358,Issue 6366,pp.1027-1032
DOI:10.1126 / science.aan3456