如日本,技术发展很好,主要是通过先copy 然后一步一部改良完成的;但自明治维新以来,天才级的人物polymaths还是很少。另外是近年一些重要的创新 如 internet \ microsoft \ apple \google 都没有在日本首先出现。还有,我前面帖 讲到的,日本与韩国的生物制药等发展不很好。
“It is fun to do things that people don’t think are possible or likely. It’s also exciting to achieve the unexpected.”
—Michael Saul Dell (founder and CEO of Dell Inc.).
The pursuit of excellence is as natural as the pursuit of happiness, as Murray noted: ‘The genius…in the way they did their work, they more commonly resembled a craftsman at his bench, struggling to get it right, agonizing over mistakes, doing it over again, with a vision of perfection insistently pulling him onward’ [(9), page 458].
Abraham Flexner, the founding Director of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, USA, wrote(10): ‘While practical benefits often result from pure academic research at the most fundamental level, such benefits are not guaranteed and cannot be predicted; nor need they be seen as the ultimate goal. Ventures into unknown territory inevitably involve an element of risk, and scientists and scholars are rarely motivated by the thought of an end product. Rather, they are moved by a creative curiosity that is the hallmark of academic inquiry’.
自然演变生物学可能部分地解释为什么中国较难产生Mikhail Lomonosov, Leonhard Euler, Henri Poincare, Andrey Kolmogorov, John von Neumann, Leonid Kantorovich这样的polymaths (在多个领域做出杰出贡献的天才级人物)。