他们的第一个激动人心的发现是X蛋白抑制了小鼠肝细胞的增殖。这个发现让我们对乙肝病毒的致病机制有了新的认识。最近他们进一步研究了X蛋白是如何抑制肝细胞增殖的。这个里程碑式的发现发表在1月28日的《世界肠胃病学杂志》(World Journal of Gastroenterology)上。在这篇报道中,Kremsdorf博士和她的同事研究了X蛋白转基因小鼠的5376种基因的表达水平。DNA芯片技术的应用使这项看起来不可能的工作得以完成。因为这项技术让研究者能够同时研究5376种基因的表达水平。实验结果表明,表达水平降低的基因包括负责基因转录的基因以及负责胆固醇代谢的基因。除了确证以前的结果,此项研究显示了乙肝病毒X蛋白抑制肝再生的分子机制。
以往的研究表明,我国汉族地区 HBV 毒株以 B、C 两种基因型最为常见,新疆地区以 D 型为主,西藏地区的 HBV 优势基因型为 C/D 混合型。HBV 基因型的不同可导致不同的临床类型及预后的差异。就 HBeAg 血清转化而言,我国大陆、台湾和香港的研究均表明,B 型的转化要比 C 型更早。就肝病进程而言,急性乙型肝炎以 B/C 混合型为主,B 型次之,慢性乙型肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌均以 C 型为主。就突变率而言,东亚地区的研究表明,B 型和 C 型毒株的拉米夫定抗性变异的概率相同,而 C 型毒株核心启动子的变异率要大于 B 型,这可能是以 C 型毒株比 B 型毒株会导致更为严重的肝病的原因。就拉米夫定用药而言,我国大陆、台湾的研究表明,B 型的拉米夫定治疗效果优于 C 型。就干扰素用药而言,我国台湾和日本的研究表明,B型的拉米夫定治疗效果优于 C 型[6] 。
3 预防性乙型肝炎疫苗研发分析
血原性疫苗可能造成一些疾病的血原性传播,于是各国又相继开发基因工程乙型肝炎疫苗。基因工程疫苗作为非干扰素免疫调节剂的重要一部分,治疗性疫苗在下一阶段的乙型肝炎治疗研究中极其重要。目前尚未有治疗性疫苗获FDA 批准用于乙型肝炎治疗,说明治疗性疫苗的研究中依然存在很多难题[7]。从第一代血原性乙型肝炎疫苗到第三代合成肽乙型肝炎疫苗,常规免疫中所使用的乙型肝炎疫苗生产技术日益成熟。目前的预防性疫苗研发方向之一是通过配伍、剂型、佐剂和传递系统等方面的技术改进,或者研制联合疫苗,使其在有效性、经济性和便捷性上更具优势;另一方向则是开发用于特定群体预防乙型肝炎的疫苗。这些技术的进步将为各国的免疫计划提供更多、更为便捷有效的工具。过去几年的研究表明,治疗性乙型肝炎蛋白疫苗的应用仍然存在诸多难题,需要进一步深入探索其作用机制,才能更有针对性地明确研发方向。由于治疗性乙型肝炎 DNA 疫苗研究仍然处于早期阶段,这一方向上的深入研究,有可能成为下一步乙型肝炎治疗研究的重要突破口[8]。
【Abstract】Chronic hepatism is the traditional Chinese medicine agglomeration, the rib pain, category and so on Huang Dan, ballooning, is by the feeling epidemic disease poison, the sentiment will depressed, the fatigue wants excessively, wound and the liver and so on food and wine not festival will pass through, damages and the liver winds, procrastinates in the course of time, gradually accumulates becomes, will be by “the poison, the phlegm, is wet empty, the heat, the stasis,” the synthesis but the complex pathogenesis to, the many kinds of pathogenesis will interweave tangled up pass through the entire process which
for be one’s turn
will get sick, only will be has the stress in the different stage and in the concrete card, clinical card period of five days empty dharmadhatu concurrently, intriguing, by liver function harm, The liver textile fiber changes into the main pathology change, this empty sign is solid, the stasis hot phlegm poisonous hinders the liver to wind for its pathogenesis characteristic. The author uses dredges the chemical fiber method utilization, dredges the chemical fiber method specifically to govern for the clear liver favorable gallbladder disintoxicating, cool the blood passes by the stasis winds, chemotherapy stasis of blood soft firmly relieves congestion, raises the liver profit kidney to be good for the spleen, adjusts the internal combustion engine to rise and fall. Its basic principle is “passes”. Dredges the chemical fiber law is aims at the chronic hepatism liver fibrosis, the stasis, the heat, are wet poisonously, the phlegm, hinders the pathogenesis characteristic which the liver winds, dredges the theory take the Chinese medicine as the instruction, through dredges the liver stasis to stagnate, eliminates in the liver the inflammation stasis product, achieved restores the liver function, the anti- liver textile fiber changes into the treatment goal one Chinese medicine method of treatment.
【Key words】Chronic hepatism;Understanding; Method of treatment
[Abstract] Objective: To compare the clinical features of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) between types of Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positive and HBeAg negative. Methods: Investigation on 44 CHB patients with positive HBeAg (HBe-P) and 36 CHB patients with negative HBeAg (HBe-N) were carried out including asking disease histories, checking liver function, testing blood routine, and detection of HBV immunological marks and HBV DNA. Results: No significant difference was found in sex, family history of HBV positive infection, or splenohepatomegalia between groups HBe-P and HBe-N, of which the average patient age were 29.23±8.246 and 41.53±13.146 (P<0.001), the percent of patients with disease period longer than 5 years were 36.36% and 63.89% (P<0.05), and the average HBV DNA titre logarithm were 8.27±1.328 and 6.02±1.536 (P<0.001) respectively. Conclusions: Given similar clinical conditions such as same liver function level and blood routine indexes, CHB patients with negative HBeAg have older age, longer disease period, and lower HBV DNA titer than those of CHB patients with positive HBeAg.
[Key words] hepatitis B e antigens; hepatitis B; case-control studies
慢性乙型肝炎(chronic hepatitis B, CHB)患者根据血清e抗原(hepatitis B e antigen, HBeAg)的状况可以分为HBeAg 阳性和阴性两种。HBeAg 阴性的慢性乙型肝炎在慢性乙型肝炎患者中所占的比例逐年增高,并在临床表现、预后、抗病毒治疗的方案与应答等诸多方面, 与HBeAg 阳性的慢性乙型肝炎存在显著的差别[1,2]。现就2007 年2月~2008 年3 月在贵阳医学院附属医院感染科门诊就诊的轻度至中度肝损伤HBeAg阳性和阴性CHB患者的基本临床特征做一比较。
[1]Chan HL, Leung NW, Hussain M,et al. Hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitits B in Hong Kong[J].Hepatology,2000(31):763-768.
[2]Liang TJ, Hasegawa K, Rimon N,et al. A hepatitis B virus mutant associated with an epidemic of fulminant hepatitis[J]. N Engl J Med,1991(324):1705-1709.
[5]Bortolotti F, Guido M, Bartolacci S, et al. Chronic hepatitis B in children after e antigen seroclearance: final report of a 29-year longitudinal study[J]. Hepatology,2006(43):556-562.
[6]Hadziyannis SJ, Lieberman HM, Karvountzis GG, et al. Analysis of liver disease, nuclear HBcAg, viral replication, and hepatitis B virus DNA in liver and serum of HBsAg Vs. anti-HBe positive carriers of hepatitis B virus[J]. Hepatology,1983(3):656-662.
[7]Hadziyannis SJ,Vassilopoulos D. Hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B[J]. Hepatology,2001(34):617-624.
[9]Baumert TF, Marrone A, Vergalla J,et al. Naturally occurring mutations define a novel function of the hepatitis B virus core promoter in core protein expression[J].J Virol,1998(72):6785-6795.
[10]Li J, Buchwold VE, HonMW,et al. Mechanism of suppression of hepatitis B virus procure RNA transcription by a frequent double mutation[J].J Virol,1999(73):1239-1244.
Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical outcomes and prognosis on patients with HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis B.Methods 50 patients with HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis B were enrolled in this study. Changes of the serum markers of hepatitis B,the level of HBV DNA,liver function and color Doppler ultrasongraphy from these patients were analyzed comparatively with retrospective review before and after ten years.Results All these patients were survived after 10 years. The serum levels of ALT rising (ALT<100IU/ml) were observed for only 6 of 50 cases, the reasons three for fatty liver disease ,three for drugs resulting in the liver injuries ,and the levels of ALT recovered when drugs stopped. The rest patients of liver function was normal generally. HBV DNA levels were quantified ,1 case for 1.4E+03 copies/ml and 49 cases far below the detectable limit.According to the ultrasongraphy ,10 cases were diagnosed as chronic hepatitis ,3 for fatty liver diease and 1for liver cirrhosis ,hepata carcinoma was not detected.Conclusion The changes of clinical symptoms and liver function were stable relatively on patients with HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis B and the disease advanced slowly.They had good clinical outcomes and prognosis after 10 years.
[1]Thakur V,Guptan R C,Kazim SN, et al.Profile,sepectrum and significance of HBV genotypes in chronic liver disease patients in the Indian subcontinent[J].J Gastroenterol Hepatol,2002,17(2)∶165-170.
[4]Ding X,Mzokami M,Yao G,et,al. Hepatitis B virus genotype distribution among chronic hepatitis B virus carriers in shanghai,china[J]. Interviology,2001,44(1)∶43-47.
[5]Orito E,Ichida T,Sakugawa H, et al.Geographic distribution of hepatitis B virus genotype in patients with chronic HBV infection in Japan[J].Hepatology,2001,34 (3)∶590-594.
[6]kao JH,Wu NH,chen PJ, et aL. Hepatitis B genotypes and the response to interferon therapy[J].Hepatol,2000,33∶998-1002.
[7]Lindh M,Hannoun C,Dhillon AP, et al.Core promoter mutations and genotypes in relation to viral replication and liver damage in East Asian hepatitis B virus carriers[J].J Infect Dis,1999,179(4)∶775-782.
[Abstract] Objective: To observe the change of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive patients’ serum with different positive groups of hepatitis B core antibody IgM (HBc-IgM) and other hepatitis B serological markers (HBsAb, HBcAb, HBeAg, HBeAb). Methods: Serum markers of virus and ALT from 1056 HBsAg positive patients were detected by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELSIA) and enzyme rate method. The 1056 cases were divided into 4 groups according to the positive situation of HBV serum markers , and then in each group the number and the percentage of ALT>40 U/L were counted. Results: The number and the percentage were as follows: 174 cases(76.7%) in group A, 105 cases(55.3%) in group B, 22 cases(21.4%) in group C and 123 cases (23.2%) in group D. There was significant difference of ALT abnormal increase rate between A, B groups and C, D groups separately (P<0.05), but there is no significant difference between group C and D(P>0.05). Conclusions: The ALT increase rate of HBc-IgM positive serum from HBsAg positive patients is more significant than that of HBc-IgM negative serum.
[Key words] Hepatitis B virus;Hepatitis B surface antigen;Hepatitis B core antibody-IgM; Alanine aminotransferase
[1] Gish RG.Current treatment and future directions in the management of chronic hepatitis B viral infection[J]. Clin Liver Dis, 2005, 9(4):541-565.
[1] Kundu SS, Kundu AK, Pal NK. Interferon-alpha in the treatment of acute prolonged hepatitis B virus infection. J Assoc Phsicians India, 2000;48(2-3):671-680.
[2] Webster GJM,Reigant S,Maini MK,et al. Incubation phase of acute hepatitis B in man:dynamic of cellular immune mechanisms。Hepatology,2000,32(5):1117-1124.
[3] Guidotti LG,Rochford R,Chung J,et al.Viral clearance without destruction of infected cells during acute HBV infection. Science,1999,284(5415):825-829.
[4] Guidotti LG. The role of cytotoxic T cells and cytokines in the cnotrol of hepatitis B virus infection.Vaccine,2002,20(suppl 4):80-82.
10- 5月19日也就是今天是第三个“世界肝炎日”。第一个真正意义上的“世界肝炎日”为2008年5月19日,这天,世界肝炎联盟(WHA)联手世界卫生组织、其他联合国组织、红十字会、开放性社会研究所(Open Society Institute)、盖茨基金会(Gates Foundation)等机构,在全球正式启动为期5年的“世界肝炎日”运动。
在人类研究乙型肝炎的历程上,英国医生MacCallum(1946)首先认识到乙肝不同于甲型肝炎,前者通过血液和体液传染,后者通过食物和水传染,它们的病原都小于细菌。1967年,Saul Krugman等可以明确区分甲型和乙型肝炎。1960年代,美国科学家Baruch Blumberg在研究血友病和白血病的过程中(Blumberg, 1964),发现“澳大利亚抗原”(澳抗)(Blumberg et al., 1965)。起初知道与多次输血有关,到1967年发现一例唐氏综合症(先天愚型)患者开始没有澳抗,后来产生澳抗,而且患了肝炎(Blumberg et al., 1967),并在血液中出现病毒样颗粒(Bayer et al., 1968),从而意识到澳抗可能与乙肝更相关。
纽约血液中心病毒研究室的Alfred Prince与韩国合作者从输血导致的肝炎病人中寻找抗原(Prince et al., 1964; Chung et al., 1964),发现了他称为SH(血清肝炎)的抗原与病毒性肝炎相关(Prince, 1968)。日本东京大学医院输血科的Okochi和Murakami于1968年发现输血病人中病毒性肝炎与澳抗有一定、但非绝对相关性。Prince于1968年在《柳叶刀》报道澳抗与SH抗原相同。
丁型肝炎(HDV)的发现起始于1977年意大利的胃肠科医生Mario Rizzetto在HBV感染病人肝细胞中发现的一个新抗原(Delta抗原,HDAg)(Rizzetto et al., 1977)。其后,他们与美国分子病毒学家John Gerin等证明HDAg来源于一种新型肝炎病毒--HDV(Rizzetto et al., 1980;Rizzetto, Purcell and Gerin, 1980;Rizzetto et al., 1981)。HDV的全基因组于1986年被克隆(Wang et al., 1986)。HBV和HDV两病毒同时感染时,病情严重很多,且更容易导致慢性肝炎。HDV依赖于HBV提供的包膜蛋白(包括HBsAg在内三种)组成病毒颗粒,HDV复制的其它步骤独立于HBV。HBV是DNA病毒,HDV是RNA病毒,它们的基因组不同。
1971年Krugman开始研制乙肝疫苗。1978年有两个成功的疫苗(Purcell and Gerin, 1978; Hilleman et al., 1978),1980年通过临床验证(Szmuness et al., 1980)。这些疫苗都用来自于病人血浆提取的HBsAg,如果灭活不彻底,反而可以引起疾病。
1979年,旧金山加州大学(UCSF)的William Rutter实验室用现代分子克隆方法,获得HBsAg的基因(Valenzuela et al., 1979);1981年他们将人的HBsAg转到大肠杆菌中表达蛋白质(Edman et al., 1981);1982年他们成功地将HBsAg转基因到酵母细胞表达,并获得病毒样颗粒(Valenzuela et al., 1982)。他们申请专利并与Merck公司合作,于1984年成功地用酵母表达的HBsAg作为疫苗,获得保护性的免疫作用,在猩猩中证明疫苗可以预防乙肝病毒侵染(McAleer et al., 1984)。他们的疫苗于1986年获得美国食物药品管理局(FDA)批准后上市。从此,这一基因工程制造的疫苗为世界上很多人提供了预防的方法。在乙肝曾经肆虐的我国台湾,使用乙肝疫苗后,乙肝和肝癌发病率直线下降。原华盛顿大学教授、当时Merck公司的总裁Roy Vagelos决定将一条生产线送给中国并培训中国技术人员使用生产线,中国得益于赠送的生产线制造乙肝疫苗,造福中国民众。
1996年,瑞士苏黎世大学内科的Walter与德国Freiburg大学内科的Blum等开始用树鼩研究乙肝(Walter et al., 1996)。事实上在1996年以前,中国科学家已经多次重复和进一步研究人乙肝病毒感染树鼩,这其中既有广西的苏建家、严瑞琪课题组(苏建家等,1987;严瑞琪等,1989;黄定瑞等,1990;苏建家等,1992;苏建家等,1995;严瑞琪等,1996),也有其他中国科学家(刘芳华和饶娴宜,1987;李奇芬等,1995;王凤水等,1996)。1996年后还有很多工作(李瑗等,2011)。也就是说,1980到1990年代,中国科学家一系列工作找到了人和猩猩之外唯一能感染人乙肝病毒的、经济、易用的动物模型--树鼩。Walter的文章仅引用苏建家等(1987)和严瑞琪等(1989)论文,而不知道1996年以前的多篇中国论文,更不了解1981年到1986年的几篇中国摘要和论文。
乙肝病毒本身用什么蛋白质与细胞表面的受体结合?已知在结合特异受体之前,该病毒可以与细胞表面的硫酸肝素样分子相互作用而滞留于细胞表面(Schulze et al., 2007;Leistner et al., 2007)。1986年,纽约血液中心的Neurath等确定病毒的Pre-S1结构域有一小段(氨基酸21到47)可能对于结合细胞受体很重要(Neurath et al., 1986)。但其他实验室的一系列工作表明重要的结合位点在氨基酸9至15左右(Schulze et al., 2010)。
2003年,德国科学家证明对感染人类肝细胞重要的Pre-S1和Pre-S2结构域,也对感染原代培养的树鼩肝细胞重要(Glebe et al., 2003),从而表明人和树鼩的肝细胞含有的乙肝受体可能都结合乙肝病毒的同样蛋白质。这篇文章引用中国的树鼩感染HBV的文章是严瑞琪等(1996)。
北京生命科学研究所的研究员李文辉,是兰州大学本科生、北京协和医学院的博士、美国哈佛医学院的博士后。他在美国期间发现了SARS病毒的受体(Li et al., 2003)。回国加盟北生所后,他集中精力试图攻克乙肝病毒受体,几年来很少发表论文,坚持带领实验室的研究生、博士后和其他人员不懈努力,终于找到乙肝病毒和丁肝病毒共用的受体,于2012年11月13日在电子刊物eLife发表文章“钠离子-牛磺胆酸共转运多肽是乙型肝炎和丁型肝炎病毒的功能性受体”。文章的并列第一作者是北京大学生命科学学院与北生所联合培养的博士研究生严欢和北生所的博士后钟国才,其他还有徐广伟、何文辉、景致毅、郜振超、黄屹、祁永和、彭博、王海敏、付立冉、宋梅、陈盼、高文青、任碧杰、孙银燕、蔡涛、冯晓锋、隋建华。
李文辉实验室的突破是在前人工作基础上迈进的一大步。他们用几个研究组均报道的乙肝病毒结合受体的肽段(Pre-S1的2至48氨基酸)(Barrera et al., 2005;Engelke et al., 2006;Glebe et al., 2005;Gripon et al., 2005),并将其修饰后作为探针,用中国科学家1980年代发现的树鼩为肝细胞来源得到原代培养的树鼩肝细胞(PTH)为材料,应用强有力的现代生物化学技术,寻找结合Pre-S1肽段的蛋白质,发现了钠离子-牛磺胆酸共转运多肽(NTCP)。用肽段竞争的方法,验证了NTCP结合Pre-S1的特异性。然后用分子生物学的RNA干扰技术,抑制PTH内源产生的NTCP,可以减少人乙肝和丁肝病毒的感染,从而证明NTCP对乙肝病毒和丁肝病毒感染是必需的。他们也发现如果使能感染HBV的HepaRG细胞中NTCP减少,就能降低这些细胞感染HBV。他们还发现,之所以HepaRG细胞需要用药物诱导两周后才能感染HBV的原因是诱导后细胞产生的NTCP增多。他们还用人的原代培养肝细胞,证明人的NTCP对乙肝病毒感染是必需的。
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