Behavioral Characteristics of Students with Autism of Special Education School in Beijing/
XIONGNi-na,JI Cheng-ye,SUN Jun-ling,et al.
Insti-tute of Child and Adolescent Health,Peking University,Beijing(100083),China
【Abstract】 Objective To study behavioral characteristics of students with autism,and to provide evidence to discover potential patients earlier and adjust treatment measures.Methods A demographic questionnaire survey was conducted among the parents of students with autism of special education school in every district of Beijing city.The students'behavior problems and autistic behavior were evaluated with Achenbach's Child Behavior Checklist(CB-CL),Clancy Autism Behavior Scale(CBS)and Conners Abbreviated SymptomQuestionnaire(ASQ).Results Activity and social ability improved slowly than study ability in autistic students with treatment of special school.The major problem among boys was social communication.Hyperactivity was the primary problem among girls and younger students.Hostility and brutalitywere common among older students.Some students showed psychotic symptoms such as divi-siveness,obsession and depression.The characteristic symptoms of autism and hyperactivity were improved during therapy.Conclusion Appropriate treat-ment plan in terms of behavioral characteristics of students with autism of different age and different gender should be carried out.
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