7月28日下午,首相铃木贯太郎召开记者招待会。以中文翻译而言,铃木在会上的讲话有多个版本。当时,日本官方通讯社——同盟通讯社发表铃木声明的英文译本是:“I consider the Joint Proclamation a rehash of the Declaration at the Cairo Conference. As for the Government, it does not find any important value in it, and there is no other recourse but to ignore it entirely, and resolutely fight for the successful conclusion of the war.” ”
英文重写版本如下:“I consider the Joint Proclamation a rehash of the Declaration at the Cairo Conference. As for the Government, it does not attach any important value to it at all. The only thing to do is to reject it. We will do nothing but press on to the bitter end to bring about a successful completion of the war.”