[Abstract] Objective: To establish a method for isolation, cultivation, differentiation induction, and identification of neural stem cells (NSCs) from embryonic rat in vitro, and explore the basic biological features of these cells. Methods: The mesencephalon of rat with conceptus age of 13 days was taken out and dissociated into single cell suspension mechanically, and then cultured in serumfree medium. Fetal bovine serum was used to induce cell differentiation. The isolated cells and their progeny were observed by using immunofluorescence technique. Result: The isolated cells showed nestin positive reaction and could be cultured in vitro in series. After being induced by fetal bovine serum, microtubuleassociated protein 2 (MAP2) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) which are specific antigens in neuron and astrocyte expressed in these cells, and synatophymin, a specific signal of synapse, was also expressed in the differentiated neurons. Conclusion: The isolated and cultured cells are NSCs of central nervous system, and possess strong capability of proliferation and potency of multidirectional differentiation.
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