[Abstract]Objective:To improve our understanding of the acute alcoholism in children.Methods:The clinic characters,therapy course and results of 32 cases of acute alcoholism in children were summed up.Results:Among the 32 cases, there were 28 cases of recovery, 1 case of secondary epilepsy, 1 case of mental deficiency and 2 cases of death. Conclusions:Acute alcoholism is a tremendous hazard for children and can result in deformity, even death if not treated in time.
[Key words]Acute; Alcoholism; Clinic characters; Children
儿童急性酒精中毒共32例,其中男19例,女13例;年龄0~1岁5例(1例为24天新生儿),~3岁5例,~6岁6例,~12岁16例。0~1岁5例均因高热用酒精反复擦浴,余27例为饮酒中毒,包括误饮、偷饮、以酒散寒、宴席饮酒等。酒料为白酒、黄酒、啤酒,饮用量折合成纯酒精6~10 mL 9例,<25 mL 5例,<80 mL 18例。酒后出现中毒症状时间5 min~2 h,发病后就诊时间10 min~13 h。32例均符合以下诊断标准[1]:(1)发病前12 h内有过量饮酒或频繁酒精擦浴史;(2)临床症状在大量饮酒或酒精擦浴后迅速发生,酒后精神运动性兴奋、共济失调,循环不良,昏睡、昏迷;(3)呼吸、胃内容物或排泄物中有酒味;(4)除外药物、化学性气体及其它疾病引起的昏睡、昏迷。