The effects of prolonged sleep deprivation on brain serotonin metabolism and behavior in rats Zheng Leying, Ji Hongguang, Wang Haiming, et al.Department of Navy Hygiene, Second Militaly Medical University, Shanghai200433
【Abstract】 Objective The effects of prolonged sleeep deprivation(SD) on hypothalamus and brain stem 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)metabolism and behavior in rats were studied.Method Dish-over-watermodel was used in order to observe the effects of 24hr, 48hr and 72hr sleep deprivation on hypothalamus and brain stem 5-HT metabolism in Sprague-Dawley rats, and the active behavior of rats was also examined by open field test (OFT) . Results The OFT scores were significantly increased after 24hr, 48hr and 72hr SD, but the scores after 72hr SD was lower than those after 24hr and 48hr SD(P<0.01). The5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid/5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HIAA/5-HT) ratio were significantly increased after 24hr SD in the hypothalamus and brainstem, but the ratio were decreased after 48hr and 72hr SD. Conclusion The activity behavior in sleep deprived rats exhibted an pattern from activity to depression, which may be related to thn 5-HT metabolic changes in hypothalamus and brain stem.
【Key words】 Sleep deprivation Behavior 5-HT 5-HIAA Rats
二、 睡眠剥夺模型[3]:剥夺装置主要由20×40×60 cm3剥夺箱、直径30cm转盘及与转盘相连接的动力装置三部分组成。每次剥夺前大鼠在装置内适应4h。剥夺时,启动动力装置使转盘以6转/h的速度匀速转动。对剥夺组,在箱内转盘下注水,大鼠在转盘上一定的空间自由活动,但必须保持清醒,以免落水。对照组则因箱内未被注水,可以获得睡眠。
三、 旷场试验(open field test, OFT):旷场试验装置为高度60 cm、底面边长1m、内壁漆黑的有底方桶。方桶底面平分为25个小方格,正上方2m处架设摄像机。测定时大鼠置于装置底面中心,以大鼠3min内越过格子数目为水平得分,后肢站立次数为垂直得分,两者总和为旷场试验总得分[4]。每次更换动物之前,清洗旷场周壁及底面,以免上次动物余留的信息影响下次测试结果。
结 果
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